27 juli 2024

234. Another Santorini booby trap

Another Santorini booby trap In the Dutch magazine De Groene Amsterdammer, a progressive left-wing weekly, there was a piece on Avalon and Atlantis in volume 148, […]
27 juli 2024

233. Shame on you, self proclaimed researchers!

Shame on you, self proclaimed researchers! De Groene Amsterdammer is popularly known as a progressive, left-wing critical Dutch magazine. They are known for their lucid analyses. […]
27 maart 2024

Berühmte Ereignisse und Feiertage in Deutschland

In Deutschland, wie auch in jedem anderen Land, haben sich viele Veranstaltungen, Events und Feiern etabliert, die seine einzigartige Kultur und Traditionen demonstrieren. Staatliche und traditionelle […]
15 februari 2024

230.; Tiamat was Israel, Marduk was Michael?

In Babylonian myth Tiamat was the creator Goddess. Here we have Israel, the woman who created christ, including the Body of Christ, not only Jesus. Tiamat […]
22 december 2023

227. Juiste afslag, Mokerslag

Juiste afslag, Mokerslag Ik denk dat veel mensen helemaal verkeerd tegen God en de Bijbel aankijken. Dit is grotendeels de schuld van Calvinisten en zedenprekers/moralisten die […]
19 december 2023

226. De Jezus meneer (1)

Hallo hallo, (Daar iessie weer, de Jezus meneer.) Ik denk dat wij helemaal verkeerd tegen God en de Bijbel aankijken. Dit is grotendeels de schuld van […]
18 november 2023

223. End of 2026: Endtimes begin?

The last and 70th Week of Years in Daniel 9:26-27 began in 492-493 from Cyrus the Great’s decree to the Jews to rebuild the Temple in […]
10 november 2023

221. Mail aan CVandaag

Atlantis in de Bijbel, een hoax van de Python Geest? – leon elshout (1964) Almelo, NL. 5 november 2023 De Griekse filosoof Plato die in de […]
21 september 2023

216. Atlantis and Aktab-Kutbay

English/Dutch Explanation 1 of my book: Atlantis and the idol Aktab-Kutbay Judaism has the Atbach principle. Take the consonants of a Hebrew word and find their […]
7 augustus 2023

211. Arbeidsethos

Arbeidsethos Ik wil een ander detail noemen. Paulus wordt door veel moralisten of Calvinisten als voorbeeld naar voren geschoven van hoe een gelovige in zijn eigen […]
2 juli 2023

210. Why Atlantis refers to EndTimes

Kritias 118 states that Atlantis was a central plain surrounded by mountains. We read the same about Jerusalem, Mecca and Babylon and also a little about […]
17 april 2023

208. Egypt existed 3000 BC? (What???)

Thorwald Franke says he has done his homework and some professor Nesselrath did not. Then it is beyond my grasp how Franke can write this: “Because […]
20 februari 2023

202. Oliver Smith: Atlantis as Arcadia

In a piece by Oliver Smith that actually made it to Researchgate, there is an incoherent conclusion about Atlantis being equal to Arcadia. In both cases, […]
3 november 2022

198. Edith Hall on Atlantis

Lots of Talks on Atlantis but where is Atlantis? Where are the aionian times or idol Academos in her story? https://www.historyextra.com/period/ancient-history/lost-city-atlantis-history-edith-hall-podcast/
27 september 2022

196. Is remote viewing trustable?

“Is remote viewing diabolical? In Nick Redfern’s book The Martians he mentions Remote Viewing, p. 235/236. One Mrs. Kimberley Rackley delves back into the history of […]
25 september 2022

194 Thorwald C. Franke on Kenneth Feder

In Thorvald Franke’s review of Kenneth Feder’s Atlantis there is so much that I can’t make sense of that I zoom in on two things. First […]
4 augustus 2022

190. Antichrist Plato was a false teacher

The false teaching of the Trinity that had infiltrated christianity came from Plato. His teaching was about the first cause, the Logos (reason) and the spirit […]
15 april 2022

186. Atlantis by Emilio Spedicato

Another academic researcher who refuses to understand that the Atlantis kings were non-humans, so Atlantis is not an ordinary island. And I want to know about […]
8 april 2022

183. Baghdad and Atlantis

I wrote before about this. I believe that the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16 had both inspired Plato’s Atlantis story to make a counterfeit creation story […]
6 april 2022

182. Kevin Casey’s Atlantis Revisited

Kavin Casey’s Atlantis Revisited. Not a word about the demonic bloodlines of the ten kings, the aionian times of the two story lines of Athens and […]
28 maart 2022

181. Atlantis by Ronnie Watt

Again a PhD, who nowhere mentions the aionian times, refuses to insert a table in his paper with the two story lines of Athens and Atlantis. […]
18 maart 2022

180. Mirror in Russian culture

“Was Endtimes Babylon – Revelation 17-18 – mirrored into Atlantis?” —————————————————– MIRROR IN RUSSIAN CULTURE https://www.facebook.com/groups/307289637275506 If you ask anyone who he sees in the mirror, […]
19 juni 2021

(175) Platonic Myths

Thorwald seems to have me blocked on Twitter. Thorwald’s new book is out: Platonic Myths, ISBN 978-3-7534-9212-4. By comparison, my Atlantis book is available on Wattpad […]
13 juni 2021

(174) Atlantis and Minoans

Oliver Smith was the one who predicted that within a day I would be verbally lynched here with my weird theories. I am still waiting. Then […]
24 mei 2021

(171) Arcadia = Accad, Genesis 10:10

Some author, Oliver D. Smith claims that Atlantis and another mythical place called Arcadia, could have been the same things. Yes, they are. What if Arcadia […]
12 mei 2021

(169) Athanasius Kircher’s Aeolian harp

(169) Athanasius Kircher’s Aeolian harp It is unfortunate that this forum offers room for a philosophical assessment of Atlantis but has no theological option. In the […]
13 april 2021

(165) Adolf Schulten’s Tarshish

Adolf Schulten was looking for Tartessos in Spain. After him came Helena Maria Whishaw. They did not find Tartessos. At best they found some remnants of […]
4 april 2021

(164) Plato’s unpardonable sin

To attribute God’s works to Satan is to blaspheme the holy spirit, John 5:36; 9: 4; 14:10. To claim that Satan, the Adversary, acted independently of […]
30 maart 2021

(163) Zeus is a reptile

Zeus is a reptile The Greek idol Zeus is a reptile. His image was spotted in some Mars photos of the Curiosity Rover. The combination of […]
30 maart 2021

(162) Tzafon als middernacht

Why can Atlantis not be discovered? Because it is hidden and it is in the north, NOT in the west. The Hebrew word tsaphon is usually […]
25 maart 2021

(161) Atlantis in the Tartaros

Osiris was the leader of the underworld, according to the Egyptian Book of the Dead. In fact he was the same personality as Poseidon who was […]
18 maart 2021

(160) Neith or Night?

Ashenath / Neith in Genesis 41:41 teaches us that we will not be blind to the chronology of Atlantis. Atlantis already existed in the time of […]
3 maart 2021

(158) Martian Astronomy is different

the five-sided D&M pyramid on Mars is pointed towards the famous Sphinx Face in the Cydonia region. In various Mars photos the number 5 shows up […]
2 maart 2021

(157) Martian astronomy

According to astronomers, Earth is the third planet from the sun. The Martians – yes – calculate differently. The number five keeps popping up on Mars. […]
2 maart 2021

(155) Goodbye Python Spirit

Goodbye Python Spirit aka Akademos, Poseidon, King Atlas, Apollo, Baal Tsafon, Zeus, Athena and how many more masks do you have? Odin, Wodan, Valiant Thor? Your […]
11 januari 2021

(146) Time for a new Atlantis approach!

We have seen the many archeologists, spending all of their money on diving equipment, even up to submarines. To do what? To search for a lost […]
8 januari 2021

(143) Commentary on Jean-Pierre Pätznick

Another professor. In his article I read NOTHING about Osiris as the leader of the underworld on the western underworld, let alone he explains WHICH underworld. […]
8 januari 2021

(142) Paulus Orosius

On Thorvald Franke’s tweet I found a statement on Paulus Orosius. A copy of his works is in the Library of Sankt Gallen, Switserland. I was […]
6 januari 2021

(141) Another shitty Atlantis documentary

Another shitty Atlantis documentary. Key actors are: Richard Freund, Claudia Preis, Anna Machin, Sam Willis, Claudio Lozano. They use expensive equipment to search for something that […]
29 december 2020

(139) Athanasius Kircher predicted Covid 19?

(139) Athanasius Kircher predicted Covid 19? Athanasius Kircher had become famous for his Atlantis map. I have discovered that his Atlantis projection resembles the Sea of […]
18 december 2020

(138) Haim Eshed on aliens

Recently an unknown guy named Haim Eshed shook the world presses with his remarks about aliens and Americans working together in an underground base on Mars. […]
18 december 2020

(137) Babylon = Babylon

The wrath of Zeus could not have destroyed Atlantis in a remote past since this wrath and the earthquake in Revelation 16:18 are clearly Endtimes happenings. […]
5 december 2020

(133) Lots bezitten in het Koninkrijk

Kan een gelovige zijn bestemming in christus kwijtraken? Nee. Wel kan uit bepaalde gedragingen zoals hoerenlopen blijken dat iemand nooit bij het Lichaam van Christus hoorde. […]
31 augustus 2020

(119) What is hell fire?

What is hell fire? When christians speak of hell, what do they mean with it? Most christians do not know exactly where they are talking about. […]
21 juni 2020

(98) Apostel John in Turkey

Apostle John in Turkey The apostle Paul had his ministry in Turkey and later Greece and later even in Rome. Few people know that the apostle […]
21 juni 2020

(95) Atlantis and Plato’s Cave

Atlantis and Plato’s Cave One day liberal theologians explained to me that Plato’s famous Cave was occupied with two pyromaniacs. There was an opening in the […]
16 juni 2020

(88) Plato was lying

Plato was lying In Critias 108 and Timaios 25 Plato suggested that the Strait of Gibraltar was unnavigable due to the mud of the sunken Atlantis. […]
15 juni 2020

(87) The snatching away

The snatching away Nothing seems so mind boggling to me as the snatching away we read about in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 12:5. The first […]
8 juni 2020

(81) 2 Thess. 2:3, the falling away

2 Thess. 2:3, … “except there come afalling away first…” this is the snatching away of the ecclesia and not about believers who fall from their […]
7 juni 2020

(80) Mount Seir

Mount Seir There were two mountains Seir, the Horrite one, mentioned in Genesis 14:6 and the Edomite one, mentioned in Deuteronomium 2:5. In Deuteronomium 2:1 we […]
7 juni 2020

(79) The real Migdol

The real Migdol Oh come on… so many ideas on the internet about what Migdol in Exodus 14:1-2 is. Self proclaimed intellectuals do not know what […]
4 juni 2020

(71) Atlantis as a synagoge

Atlantis as a synagoge If the Twin Pillars of Hercules – Gibraltar and Monte Hecho – in front of Plato’s mythical island Atlantis reflected the Boaz […]
2 juni 2020

(68) Objective Atlantis research?

(68) Objective Atlantis research? If Plato states that Atlantis disappeared 9000 years earlier into the ocean (Critias 108), what did he mean with that? Did Atlantis […]
31 mei 2020

(66) Atlantis, the Istanbul connection

Atlantis: the Istanbul connection by leon elshout, 31 may 2020, https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl & www.flipsnack.com/roodgoudvanparvaim – aurichalcum2018 at protonmail.com If Plato’s Atlantis was indeed mirrored from both endtimes […]
17 mei 2020

(65) The Mountains of Atlantis, Critias 118

The mountains of Atlantis by leon elshout, 17 may 2020, roodgoudvanparvaim.nl – www.flipsnack.com/roodgoudvanparvaim mail, aurichalcum2018 @ protonmail.com In Critias 118 we read that Atlantis existed of […]
6 mei 2020

(64) Faith means living with uncertainty

Faith means living with uncertainty, as Abram and Sara left Ur on a mission without a clear destination. As the Israelites lived forty years in the […]
14 april 2020

(63) Atlantis in Mirrors

Atlantis in mirrors by leon elshout, roodgoudvanparvaim.nl, www.flipsnack.com/roodgoudvanparvaim, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com, 14 april, 2020 ————————————————– Was Atlantis mirrored in time and space? In 1 Corinthians 13:12 […]
6 april 2020

(62) Doorbraak in Atlantis onderzoek

Doorbraak in Atlantis onderzoek 6 april 2020, gestuurd aan Tubantia De ontelbare speurders naar Plato’s verzonken eiland Atlantis zagen een paar simpele zaken over het hoofd. […]
28 februari 2020

(60) The beginning of Atlantis in Matthew 24:15

The beginning of Atlantis in Matthew 24:15 by leon elshout, 27/2/2020, https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl Revelation 11:1-2 explains us the dualism of Atlantis. In verse 1 we read about […]
27 januari 2020

(55) Was Auschwitz Birkenau a temple for Baal Tsaphon?

Was Auschwitz Birkenau a temple for Baal Tsaphon? By leon elshout, almelo, NL, 27 january, 2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2001.0588,  posted on 27/1/2020 roodgoudvanparvaim.nl or roodgoudvanparvaim.wordpress.com This day, 75 […]
23 januari 2020

(54) Atlantis versus polarisatie

artikel geschreven voor Dagblad Trouw op 21 januari 2020, gepost 23 jan. 2020, rond 23:03. http://vixra.org/abs/2001.0504 Wat Atlantis ons kan leren over onze gepolariseerde samenleving door […]
28 september 2019

(51) Atlantis in the Sea of Nations

Atlantis in the Sea of the Nations Leon Elshout, Almelo, 25/9/2019, NL, https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl –https://roodgoudvanparvaim.wordpress.com – aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com Posted on Vixra 25/9/2019, posted here: 28/9/2019 The […]
20 maart 2019

(49) Is Atlantis a theological or an archeological issue?

(49) Is Atlantis a theological or an archeological issue? Leon elshout, 19 march 2019, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl/, http://flipsnack.com/roodgoudvanparvaim/ & https://www.wattpad.com/user/roodgoud & https://roodgoudvanparvaim.wordpress.com/ Plato’s Atlantis According […]
20 februari 2019

(47) The Coming Greek Empire

20  feb. 2019, 09:35 Anno 2019 we will not believe which country dominates the world in 2030. Is it China, India, Russia or USA? Hold on, […]
26 november 2018

(46) Twin Cities Atlantis and the Python spirit

Twin Cities Atlantis and the Python spirit Book: Atlantis as Endtimes Jerusalem and Endtimes Babylon: roodgoudvanparvaim.nl (leon elshout, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com) 25/11/2018, Published 26/11/2018, Netherlands, http://vixra.org/abs/1811.0403 […]
14 november 2018

Slottica Casino Polska

Slottica Casino Polska Odkryj ekscytujący świat rozrywki online w kasynie Slottica! Slottica to dynamicznie rozwijające się kasyno online, oferujące szeroki wachlarz gier hazardowych, dostosowanych do potrzeb […]
14 oktober 2018

(45) Atlantis as the Underworld

Atlantis as the Underworld Sunday 14 october 2018 Leon Elshout, roodgoudvanparvaim.nl, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com If Atlantis was mirrored from Endtimes Babylon to the horizon in the […]
19 augustus 2018

(34) Taphon, Tsafun and Atlantis

Taphon, Tsafun and Atlantis written 18 aug. posted 19 aug. 2018 North The word “Tsaphon” means “north” and is number #6828 of Strong’s Bible Concordance. We […]
15 augustus 2018

(33) Aurichalcum

15 aug. 18 Aurichalcum In Critias 116 we read about the aurichalcum that covered that temple of Poseidon on Atlantis of which I believe is the […]
13 augustus 2018

(32) Atlantis, the empire of satan

13 aug. 18 Atlantis, the empire of satan Oh these Atlantis researchers, which women did ever give birth to 5 twins who also became kings? These […]
26 juli 2018

(27) Mount Tzafon

The Mount Tzafon is presently the Mount Aqra in the north of Syria. In this area the Ugarith Baal and Anat Cycle was discovered. Baal and […]
29 juni 2018

(19) Atlantis as a winzip island

29 juni 2018 Atlantis as a winzip island My book on Atlantis as EndTimes Babylon: https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl/ Referring to my previous post on the necessity to mirror […]
25 juni 2018

(15) Atlantis is Iraq

ma. 25 juni 2018 Atlantis is Iraq Plato’s Atlantis missed one point: it was mirrored. It existed not in a past but in a future; it […]
21 juni 2018

(14) Who was Heracles?

21 juni 2018 Who was Heracles? According to Plato, Atlantis was situated outside the Pillars of Hercules. This Hercules was the Roman alter ego of the […]
18 juni 2018

(12) Who were Socrates and Plato really?

18 juni 2018 Who were Socrates and Plato really? Socrates and Plato seemed to be the most influential philosophers in Western culture. Okay, but who were […]
17 juni 2018

(11) Babylon has fooled all of us

17 juni 2018 Babylon has fooled all of us Babylon had five twin kings and decided at last to duplicate herself into a mirrored alter-ego island […]
16 juni 2018

(10) The Eye of Ra

16 juni 2018 The Eye of Ra The famous Eye of Ra is also called the Eye of Horus. In the name Ra we recognize the […]
14 juni 2018

(9) Atlantis as an anti-Semitic story

14 juni 2018 (Eng/NL) Atlantis as an anti-Semitic story Atlantis was not simply “just” an island in a remote past that existed beyond Gibraltar in the […]
7 juni 2018

(7) De wereld van de voortijd

Het is op zich spectaculair dat er een wereld voor de onze is geweest met een beschaving die volledig is weggewist (2 Petrus 3:6). De Zondvloed […]
5 juni 2018

(6) De aardbeving die Atlantis velde

The earthquake that hit Atlantis and the three Floods in Critias 112 Atlantis was destroyed by an earthquake as Plato wrote in Critias 108 and Timaeus […]
2 juni 2018

(5) Concentric building of Babylon & Atlantis

When Atlantis is Babylon, then Baghdad was the new Babylon. It was built in a concentric design that resembles Atlantis. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/mar/16/story-cities-day-3-baghdad-iraq-world-civilisation More on concentric building is […]
30 mei 2018

(4) Ophir as Opis on the Tigris

What was Ophir? © Leon Elshout, in my 600 pages book in Dutch language on Atlantis as Babylon: Tzaphon-Midnight: Atlantis and Troy and The Secret of […]
9 april 2018

(1) Hiep hoi

Hiep hoi, Atlantis ontdekt… = Babylon


Bijdragen op Vixra

*Atlantis is Babylon, 14 mei 2018 http://www.vixra.org/abs/1805.0261
*Atlantis as a Theological Model of End Times Babylon (Rev. 17-18) and the Storylines of Atlantis and Athens. 23 mei 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1805.0435
*What was Ophir? 30 mei 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1805.0538
*Atlantis Was Hit by an Earthquake not by a Flood (Atlantis as Babylon; Critias 108 Versus Revelation 16:18), 7 juni 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0096
*Tarshish as Great Britain and the Dilemma with Atlantis, 12 juni 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0171
*Atlantis as Anti-Semitism? 14 juni 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0203
*The Eye of Ra and Babylon, 16 juni 2018, http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0254
*Aurichalcum of Atlantis, 15 aug. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1808.0213
*Tsaphon & Tsafun and Atlantis, 18 aug. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1808.0249
*How did Plato know about Endtimes Babylon? 31 aug. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1808.0687
*Babylon as the Blueprint for Mount Tsaphon, Troy, Asgard, Olympus and Atlantis, 12 sept. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1809.0264
*Atlantis as the Underworld, 14 okt. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1810.0208
*Twin Cities Atlantis and the Python Spirit, 25 nov. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1811.0403
*Why Atlantis Was not Just Another Island, 28 nov. 2018 http://vixra.org/abs/1811.0483
* The Coming Greek Empire of the Endtimes: 19 feb. 2019 http://vixra.org/abs/1902.0307
* Is Atlantis an Archeological or Theological Issue? 19 march, 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1903.0332
* Was Homer's Troy an Archeological or a Theological Issue?, 19/3/2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1903.0365
* Who was King Atlas of Atlantis? 20 march 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1903.0381
* Atlantis in Daniel 2 & 7; Nebuchanedzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Vision Versus Plato’s Atlantis Story, 27 maart 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1903.0463
* Plato’s deception, 2 april 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1904.0047
* Atlantis as Jerusalem, 7 may 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1905.0095
* Athanasius Kirchner's "Harp" Like Atlantis Map, 14 mei 2019, http://vixra.org/abs/1905.0209
* Atlantis in the Sea of the Nations. 25 sept. 2019, (03:43) http://vixra.org/abs/1909.0506
* Who was Jason in the Argonauts myth? 25 sept. 2019, (04:24) http://vixra.org/abs/1909.0505
* Atlantis in Auschwitz Birkenau, 18 januari 20120, http://vixra.org/abs/2001.0355
* Atlantis en polarisatie, 23/1/2020, http://vixra.org/abs/2001.0504
* Was Auschwitz Birkenau a temple for Baal Tsaphon? 27/3/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2001.0588
* Was Auschwitz-Birkenau Een Tempel Voor Baal Tzafon? (Dutch), 28/1/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2001.0606
* The Atlanteans Are the Apostate Jews, 13/2/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2002.0266
* Were the "Gorgons" in Hesiod's Theogony "Gray Aliens"? 20/2/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2002.0391
*Is the Futuristic Saudian City of Neom the Fulfillment of Endtimes Edom?, 24/2/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2002.0475
* The Real Location of the Third Temple Versus the Haram Shariff in Revelation 11:2 and the Connection with Atlantis, 24/2/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2002.0484
* The Beginning of Atlantis in Matthew 24:15, 27/2/2020, https://vixra.org/reli/
* Covid 19 Marks 72 Years After the Corona/roswell-Ufo Crash, 23/3/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2003.0480
* Atlantis in Mirrors, 14/4/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2004.0343
* Atlantis, the Istanbul Connection, 31/5/2020, https://vixra.org/abs/2005.0288

Atlantis Fora


Wederkomst op de derde dag



In Psalm 15:1; 24:3; 48:2; 74:2; 99:9, Jesaja 2:2-4; 25:6; Micha 4:1-4; 2 Kronieken 3:1 werd de tempel in Jeruzalem een berg genoemd. In Openbaring 21:10 werd het toekomende Jeruzalem een berg genoemd. In Jesaja 26:2 en Psalm 48:13 werd Jeruzalem een burcht genoemd.