What does Poseidon’s tempel on Atlantis?
Why did Plato mention Poseidon’s temple on Atlantis at all? What was it’s significance? Why didn’t he talk about the Central Bank of Atlantis or about the TV tower of Atlantis? I believe we have got a new mystery here.
Poseidon was in the Bible known as Dagon, the god of the Philistines. We read about him in 1 Samuel 5 and Judges 16:23. Now, if Poseidon’s temple is the Third Temple to be rebuild in the Endtimes, then it is the antichrist who will put his statue in it. This happens in Matthew 24:15 when Atlantis is activated.
This Third Temple is a condensed expression of the mobile tabernacle from the time of Moses. At it’s turn the tabernacle was an expression of the first temple which was in a certain way the Garden of Eden. Do you get me? The garden of eden was not simply a garden in the sense of the word. Oh yes, Eve was an antitype of Mary Magdalene who was the first one to see the empty grave. Mary Magdalene was the first one to meet with the “gardener” who was the second Adam in the garden of Gethsemané. While Eve met with the first Adam.
But… the Garden of Eden was more than a bunch of trees that were growing in some field where dogs were playing. It was first of all a meeting point between God and Adam. There was a place in the Garden of Eden that corresponded with the Holy of the Holiest in the tabernacle and temple. Even more, both the tabernacle and Garden were designed after the principle of the aionian times. The Bible seems to distingish five aionian times that also seem to be the basic for the design of the tabernacle and temple. The last and fifth aion would correspond with the holy of the holiest part of the temple. The first aion corresponds with that part that was outside the camp of the tabernacle. Cain was banned to this part after he had murdered Abel.
The Greek word aion could have been invented by on one else than Plato. The Hebrew equivalent is the word “olam” of plural, “olami”. Olam means horizon. This was exactly the location of Atlantis that was situated off the coast of Gibraltar on the western horizon. In Sura 53:7 we read also about this horizon. An aion is a periode of time that could last for thousands of years. It is the opposite of eternity. Modern Bible translations had wrongly translated the Greek word aion with eternity or even world. But the plural form of the word aion in the Bible excludes the meaning of an eternity. Eternity cannot be plural.
Now this idea of the aionian times is abscent in the Atlantis epic. If Plato claims that Atlantis existed 9000 years before his time, which was far before Adam was created, then which aion do we talk about? The first aion started in Genesis 1:2 when Genesis 1:1 was most likely the title above chapter 1. This first aion ended very likely when the soil of the earth was cursed in genesis 3. We cannot simply go 9000 years back in time before Plato and try to identify an island Atlantis. History doesn’t work like that because it is divided into aionian times.
So how came an aionian designed temple of Poseidon being introduced on a seemingly eternal island Atlantis? The temple was clearly the aionian part of Atlantis that was non-aionian in itself. At this point I do not have clear answers to this question. But when the spirit of Poseidon, masked as the serpent in Eden tried to convince Eve in Genesis 3 that she and Adam would live for eternity after eating from the Tree of Knowlegde, the principle of the aions was clearly denied. Poseidon would do the same to Atlantis, to claim an eternal island that existed far above the principle of the aions. Why did an eternal island exist on the horizon that corresponded with the meaning of aion? Was it clearly Poseidon’s intention to corrupt the communication with the God of the Bible when he took a seat in the temple as the coming antichrist will do?
* Possibly new insights will be added to this blog…
read also: Helena Maria Keizer, Life time, eternity, the Greek Word Aion…