Royal Library, KB, First edition: isbn 978 90 90 324 074: Tzaphon-Midnight, Atlantis in the Bible. Mijn eerste online publicatie van mijn Atlantis boek op 6 april 2018. New version of my “ATLANTIS IN THE BIBLE” book on & ATLANTIS IN THE BIBLE


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The case for Endtimes Babylon (Al-Hillah), Revelation 17-18

Atlantis is theology, NOT archeology or history; Atlantis is Satan’s empire, do Atlantis researchers realize this?

Atlantis as archeology seems to fit the prized pet theory. But has anyone ever considered a theological approach? Atlantis as a mirrored theological construct is believed to be a bit much, irrespective of its explanatory value.
If you forget about the ruins on the seabed and take the Bible then you will discover something weird… Atlantis is a plagiate reverse version of Endtimes Babylon in Revelation 17-18.

Had the mysterious and evil “sphinx-like” python spirit in Acts 16:16 fooled us all including Plato by mirroring Endtimes Jerusalem and Babylon into an Island Atlantis that had existed in a remote past on the location of the Greek underworld in the far west? The answer is most likely, “yes”. Is Plato’s Atlantis really about a sunken Island or is there a theological rather than an archeological message in the story? Maybe Atlantis far more complex than we used to think. The serpent deceived Eve in Genesis 3; the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16 infiltrated Plato’s mind.

Is the Bible really silent on Troy and Atlantis?

If we keep looking for Plato’s Atlantis through archaeological glasses, we will never find the mysterious island. In this book, the author puts Atlantis along the Biblical yardstick, which leads to surprising conclusions. Starting with the statement that the Atlantean god Poseidon was the idol Dagon in Judges 16:23 and 1 Samuel 5. And more: Atlantis deals with complicated theology.

The reader who expects quick answers will come home from a rude awakening. A complicated idea of ​​mirrors, dualism and “tzafon” which means “north” in Psalm 48: 2 and Jeremiah 1:13 allowed Atlantis to be exposed. The terrifying Halloween Fourth Realm in Daniel 2:40, 7:19 & 7:23 is at the center of this mystery with End-time Jerusalem (Psalm 2) and Babylon (Revelation 17 & 18) as dualistic opposites. The earthquake in Revelation 16:18 is clearly the same as the one in Kritias 108 that destroyed Atlantis. In Revelation 17: 1-5 we read that rebuilt Babylon connected through the Euphrates is the queen of all the world’s seas. This sounds a lot like Atlantis. While the yet to be erected Third Temple in Jerusalem in which the Antichrist will soon place his image (Matthew 24:15) sounds like the temple of Poseidon.

How could Plato know these things and then put them together in the guise of Atlantis in a gray past in the west? In Acts 16:16, had the Python Spirit made Plato’s head run wild and mixed things up in time and place? And why is Athanasius Kircher’s Atlantis map shaped like a harp? The dualism of Atlantis is reflected in the two Pillars of Hercules and the five twin kings that form the beacons of the Atlantis Epic. What does this dualism tell us about the polarization in our time, especially in America, the continent that Plato mentioned in Timaios 25?

Or is Atlantis Jerusalem where the temple of the antichrist Poseidon will soon rise? In Daniel 9:26 and Revelation 12:15-16 we read that Jerusalem also floods in the End Times, even though the city is higher up. Or is Atlantis a complex dualistic mix of Babylon and Jerusalem as the two Pillars of Hercules were a dualistic principle?

Tarshish in Ezekiel 38:13 is pivotal in Atlantis research and is closer to home than we think. Realizing that Baal Tzafon is the Sphinx in Exodus 14: 2, the true route of the Exodus is revealed and placed in the context of Atlantis.

Leon Elshout (1964) wrote with his groundbreaking Atlantis book a classic in the spirit of The City Of God by Aurelius Augustine. He makes side steps to both Auschwitz and Mars where, in the latter case, a curious post-apocalyptic civilization stares right into the eye of the Mars Rover camera! Leon subscribes to the doctrine of the Reconciliation that teaches that all people are saved by the blood of Christ in a set order, starting with the believers. The unbelievers and possibly also the animals are judged after their resurrection and still saved. The mysterious eonian times in the Bible further turn our sustainability thinking upside down. And is the End Time finally really around the corner? If we do not count from the birth of Jesus but from His baptism in the Jordan, the End Times is closer than we think. The Abrahamic peace accords in the Middle East are, according to Revelation 6: 2, the prelude to the End Times and also give shape to the real Atlantis. Romans 13:11 echoes through this book: we live in a capitalist hell, but Jesus is coming back soon and salvation is near. Wake up…

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Op Academia:
Op Vixra:

I am on Academia [Read here]

atlantis temple mount

1. Atlantis as Jerusalem, Mount Zion

If Poseidon’s Temple on Atlantis corresponds with the Temple of the coming Lawless in Matthew 24:15, the the cental hill on Atlantis in Critias 113 is the Temple Mount. Critias 113, the central Hill on Atlantis is the City of David, outside the Haram Al Shariff. See 2 Chronicles 3:1 and 2 Samuel 5:7. City of David,35.2324505,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x150329c9f1edb409:0x8e75b6d09f15d4a4!8m2!3d31.7733654!4d35.2350254!16zL20vMGozdzI?entry=ttu

Below: The false Third Temple of Jerusalem is already finished in parts. The temple is false because the antichrist will soon place his image in it (Matthew 24:15). The temple was also built outside of Christ. When Jesus returns later, he gives the order to build the real third temple. A temple with an antichrist cannot be anything other than the temple of Poseidon on Atlantis. With a reference to the temple in 1 Samuel 5 in which the statue of Dagon stood. The location of the temple is outside the area of the current Temple Mount, south of it. The current Temple Mount is a remnant of the Roman Fort Antonia. If Mohammed made a night journey from this location to seventh heaven, it departed from pagan territory. Zie ook  This new Temple will be placed in the City of David, here,,35.2324505,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x150329c9f1edb409:0x8e75b6d09f15d4a4!8m2!3d31.7733654!4d35.2350254!16zL20vMGozdzI?entry=ttu 

& here:,35.2358526,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNBxBcYLvPalTNarVaVUUwDIhXYdrEM18LOguZJ!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x150329c9f1edb409:0x8e75b6d09f15d4a4!8m2!3d31.7733654!4d35.2350254!10e5!16zL20vMGozdzI?entry=ttu 


This fits the description of Daniel’s final and fourth world empire that will rise in the Middle East with Babylon as it’s capital.

Daniel 2:40

And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others.

Daniel 7:19

Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth [wereof] iron, and his nails [of] brass*; [which] devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;

Daniel 7:23

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom** upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

* brass = aurichalcum, a new Alexander
** Atlantis


The Sea of Galilea with eastern of it the Decapolis of ten cities including Gadara. It is “harp shaped” – Psalm 49:4. The ten cities resonated with the five twin kings of Atlantis, including Gadeiros.

Athanasius Kircher’s mirrored Atlantis map, Africa west, South America east
& Harp Shaped Sea of Galilee

ATLANTIS HARP OR HEART SHAPED OR BOTH? Does this map show Pharao’s hardened heart, Exodus 9:12?

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4. Al Hillah/Babylon on the River Euphrates

The city of Al Hillah / Babil is Iraq’s third city and is located on a side branch of the Euphrates. This branch divides the city in two. Hillah is thus ancient Babylon while the ruins of Babylon are a stone’s throw away. This city, according to Revelation 18:24, is the origin of all bloodshed and corruption on earth. We will not believe it, but this city will soon become the commercial world capital and the queen of all oceans. Photo credit: facebookgroup Hillah / Babil  [See pic]

Below: Al Hillah/Babylon on the Euphrates is the sunrise dimension of Atlantis while Atlantis itself was placed by Plato on the sunset dimension in the west. The entire trajectory from sunrise to sunset is indicated by tsafon in Jeremiah 1:13. In Revelation 17:1-5 we read that Babylon sits connected through the Euphrates in the middle of all the world seas. This sounds as Atlantis. Babylon is now Al-Hillah/Babil and according to Jeremiah 51:42, 55 a sea city.

Lucifer was the same as King Atlas of Atlantis. How could Plato generate the same matter as Jerome?

4a. Atlantis like Ishtar Gate of Babylon/Atlantis

Below: Ishtar Gate. Al Hillah aka Babil, will be transformed into Plato’s Atlantis, Zacharia 5:11, Revelation 17 & 18. Pic, Credit:

5. Al Mansour’s Atlantis shaped Baghdad Design

6. The scribe god Aktab-Khutbay

The Hebrew tradition knows the so-called Atbach principle. Take a Hebrew word, for example Sheshak in Jeremiah 25, and count the numbers from the end of the Hebrew alphabet. Then you get s-s-k = 2-2-12. If you count these numbers from the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet, you get the consonants b-b-l, or Babel. If we do this with Atlantis, we get the mirror word Aktab. A ketab is a book in Persian. "ktb" is written in Arabic. But there was also a Dedanite idol called Aktab.
Aktab was the idol of the writers. He was also worshiped in Edessa (Urfa/Sanliurfa). He was the equal of the idols Kutbay, Nebo (Isaiah 50:1) and Hermes. When the words Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin appeared on the wall of Babylon, the God of the Bible surpassed the writer god Nebo. In Acts 14:12, Paul was called Hermes because he was in charge at that time. There is also an Arabic explanation that calls an Aktab a born leader.

7. The real city of Hagar

According to Plato, the Atlantis story had its origins in the Egyptian city of Sais, in the Nile Delta. A priest Sonchis had spread this story to the world. Sais was later called the City of Hagar. In Galatians 4:25 Jerusalem was also called the city of Hagar. Was Plato’s statement a hint at Jerusalem where the Temple Mount represented the central hill in Kritias 113 on Atlantis?


Atlantis: not archaeology but complex theology
A Hoax of the Python Spirit
My book “Atlantis in the Bible, A Hoax of the Python Spirit” free online: 2018, this upload, June 2022
by leon elshout, almelo, NL, –

Plato’s Atlantis has captured the imagination of hordes of researchers for generations. New toys such as satellite photos are not shunned, to search the seabed and find the remains of the sunken island. So far, nothing meaningful has been found. Or are we looking wrong? Does Atlantis even fall into the category of archaeology or history? Or shall we look at Atlantis through a totally different lens? What about a theological approach? Leon Elshout (Almelo, the Netherlands, 1964) is a Bible student and operates independently of a church. He took a theological approach, picked up the Bible and discovered that all the pieces of the puzzle were ready to be inserted in the right place. Who else could have discovered Atlantis but a Berean Bible student closely examining the scriptures (Acts 17)? A new question arose: how could it be that renowned researchers and media overlooked the theology behind Atlantis for so long?

We know about the mysterious island of Atlantis from Plato’s dialogues Timaios and Critias. Ever since the 19th century American writer Ignatius Donnelly turned his attention to Atlantis, mankind has been searching in vain in its wake for remnants of a sunken island in the Atlantic Ocean. An important guideline in the search is an archetypal image of a pear-shaped island of Atlantis that comes not from Plato but from the 17th century German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher. For Kircher’s Atlantis was in the middle of the sea, at the height of the Azores and not as Plato claimed with its northwestern tip facing Cadiz. There was a world of difference between Plato and Athanasius Kircher, if only because Kircher’s Atlantis appeared in a book in Amsterdam, far away from the Greek world of Plato, Socrates or Homer.

Because nothing meaningful was found on the seabed, researchers “shifted” with the location and incidentally also with the time frame. Plato, who lived in the fourth century B.C., stated that Atlantis had collapsed 9000 years earlier. These 9000 years were sometimes turned into 900 years “for convenience”. Perhaps then the theory was more correct that Atlantis had something to do with the eruption of the volcano Thera on the island of Santorini. This tiny island is located near Crete which has traditionally been the prime suspect in the search for Atlantis. But Atlantis did not go down because of a volcanic eruption but because of an earthquake. In the process, the strength of the earthquake in Kritias 108 was totally misinterpreted by scientists. In the Bible we read in Revelation 16:18 about a huge earthquake that destroys all the cities on earth and especially targets Babylon on the Euphrates. We are more likely to think of this bang when we read Critias 108, and hey, Babylon is in the crosshairs. Problem is only that Revelation 16:18 is set in the near future. But nothing is what it seems.
Researchers also shifted the location of the Pillars of Hercules, namely Gibraltar and Monte Hecho to ensure that Atlantis was really in the Mediterranean. How Atlantis could have been bigger than Asia Minor and Libya together (Kritias 108) is a mystery. Yet Plato was clear in his description of the location of Atlantis. In Timaios 25 he even mentioned the great continent that lay across the great sea. This, of course, was America. Plato gave this description for a reason. He wanted to be clear about the location of Atlantis and at the same time disclose his knowledge of America. By the way, the prophet Ezekiel who lived just before him had mentioned the young lions of Tarsis in Ezekiel 38:13. Was America one such lion? And what was Tarsis – another mystery – then, Spain, as many people think, or still England?

Ignatius Donnelly
Since the days of Ignatius Donnelly and Lewis Spence, researchers have been searching in vain for the remains of Atlantis. It has been a while since I read Donnelly’s book Atlantis, The Antediluvian World. Like all other researchers, he knew nothing of the aionic time periods hidden in the Bible. Each period had its own ordering of the world. So Donnelly could not demonstrate in which aion Atlantis existed. In the world of the prehistory, namely the first two aions, there were no islands yet. More on this in a moment. Atlantis was therefore not an island from the pre-Flood world. Some passages in Plato’s Epic also sound far too modern, such as Timaios 25 in which America was mentioned. We do hear echoes of Atlantis in the pre-Flood world, called the World of Ages. What about the city of Enoch in Genesis 4? And the brosn-colored orichalcum that adorned the temple of Poseidon (Critias 116) sounded like the Nachash serpent in Genesis 3. Nachash means “shining” or “luminous.” After the flood, we remember Moses’ brazen serpent in Numbers 21:9. In Revelation 1:15 and 2:18 we encounter a word similar to orichalcum, namely chalkolibani.

I am not a scientist and when I hinted at my Biblical view of Atlantis on some scientific websites I was quickly dismissed by the scientists. After all, I had no title before my name. Indeed, I am merely a logical thinker and a Bible student. However, none of the academics who sought out Atlantis had ever heard of the aionic times mentioned in the Bible. The Bible divides time into defined periods called aions, each of which has its own order. See, for example, Ephesians 2:1, 7; 3:9, 11 – Although I have no title to my name, the God of the Bible did reveal this principle of aionic times to me. The first question was: in what aion did Atlantis exist? The big problem was that, according to Plato, Atlantis had gone down 9,000 years earlier while Adam was created barely six thousand years before our time.

Moreover, we read in Genesis 1:10 that the then earth of the first aion was a connected patch of land. So there were no islands, let alone America or Atlantis. Thus, Timaios 25, in which America was mentioned, sounded reasonably fresh to our ears. The separate continents we know today such as Australia and the two Americas are undoubtedly post-Flood land masses. However large they may be, in the Bible they are called islands. If Atlantis existed at all it was after the Flood. But then we get all tangled up with those 9000 years before Plato.

It is also relevant that the book of Genesis is made up of genealogies “toledot”. You won’t believe it but Adam was the first writer to name all the animals and write down everything that God dictated to him. In the early chapters of Genesis, Adam was clearly a hearer who wrote down everything. Some critics noted that there was a reverse creation order in Genesis. First came the little plants, then the sun. But the first chapters of Genesis are categorically composed and not necessarily chronological. The six days of creation in Genesis were days of revelation and not creation. God revealed his creation to Adam who wrote everything down in genealogies called toledot. Adam passed the toledot on to his successor Noah who not only built the Ark but also continued to write the toledot. After the Flood, it was Moses who edited the first five books of the Tanakh. This is quite different from the vague oral tradition of Atlantis that came to us.

Very important: the aions are time panels each with a different world order and perhaps a different heaven. The toledot are written genealogies from the patriarchs to Joseph. Atlantis researchers who are not familiar with the aionic times or the toledot will never identify Atlantis. I would like to add the word “tzafon” which means “north” in Psalm 48:2. Atlantis was emphatically in the west so what was in the east, south and north? Was Atlantis part of a larger whole, indicated by tzafon?

Could be Atlantis
Other Atlantis researchers got no further than revealing yet another “could be Atlantis” to the world. Backed by satellite photos that showed concentric formations with much imagination, researchers tripped over each other’s feet to claim the discovery of Atlantis. The media jumped on it and yet another television series about Atlantis was born. Another suggestion: the elephants on Atlantis were mentioned in Kritias 114-115. Many researchers puzzled over the elephants, determined that this meant Atlantis had a subtropical to tropical climate and had to have a certain amount of forest. But hoho… If I look at Atlantis through a theological lens I note that the prophet Muhammad was born in the year of the elephant. When I say Atlantislam you understand that I associate Atlantis with Islam. In Revelation 18:12 we encounter trade in ivory which of course also came from elephants. In this passage we are in End Time Babylon and also in the heart of Islam. So you see the puzzle pieces were ready all along.

Kitchen Table
I claim to have discovered Atlantis from the kitchen table by simply thinking logically and taking the Bible with me. In 2018, my first online book was published on my own website, Because the browsing system didn’t work well, I have now put the book on Wattpad for everyone to read ( The disadvantage is that the book is in Dutch. At the beginning of my research I fell into the same trap as my predecessors. I was looking for a physical island of Atlantis mentioned in the Bible. As mentioned, I immediately ran into the first dilemma. Namely, that Adam was created well after Atlantis, at a time when there were no islands. However, in Ezekiel 38:13 I read about the mysterious Tarsis that had a mighty sea fleet. For a moment I thought I had found Atlantis. Although this island existed in the time of the prophet Ezekiel, well after the Flood, the description sounded like Atlantis. So I thought I had found it, also because Christian tradition teaches that Tarsis was Andalusia, where there was already one Column of Hercules, namely Gibraltar. The next step was that I read a book by Maria Helena Whishaw about Atlantis in Andalusia. It was a fascinating book to read but I could not discover that she had discovered Atlantis, at most Libyan settlements.

I am now faced with the difficult task of explaining in this summary what I wrote down in a very thick book. Gradually during my research I discovered that Atlantis is a very complex theological system. If you read Plato’s short treatises on Atlantis you will not initially look for much behind it. But if you zoom in and put the Bible next to it you will come across all kinds of things. If Atlantis was mentioned in the Bible it almost certainly had to have a negative tension with the major protagonist, Israel. Every Bible student knows that Israel’s great antagonist was Babylon on the Euphrates. Babylon was also the first pagan world empire that existed for about 500 years before Christ and had a heyday in the time of the prophet Daniel. Five hundred years is by leaps and bounds a difference from nine thousand years before Plato. Yet Atlantis could not have existed before this first Babylonian empire of Nebuchanedzar. Before that time there were pagan kings who appear in Genesis 13. But these were local kings who fought the enemy with boxing knives and bamboo sticks and certainly not rulers of a world empire.

Another problem was that Plato’s Atlantis narrative was extremely muddled and full of contradictions. One moment Atlantis was an isolated island with no ships and a mythical aura. The next moment, the mythical aura had given way to shipyards that sounded rather modern to the ears (Kritias 115). Also, the fact that in Timaios 25 America was mentioned out of the blue gave food for thought. Was Atlantis really a mythical place from bygone days? In addition, I have a problem with structures and systematic work, which made my research extra complicated. There was also a risk involved in my research: for who was right, Plato or the Bible? And would I just fall from my faith if creation had begun on Atlantis? It was also clear that the Atlantis story had two storylines running through it: that of Atlantis and Athens. I put both storylines in a table, which proved to be a useful aid during my research. This table alone makes my book groundbreaking. As far as I know, not one academic researcher has done this before.

Demonic bloodlines
Other researchers ignored the very important fact that the five twin kings of Atlantis had no human ancestors. Some of those ancestors were river gods but always Poseidon was at the head of that bloodline. And no, Zeus and Poseidon were not brothers or children of Kronos. What they were: demonic masks of each other and of the serpent in Genesis 3. In Psalm 96:5 we read that the idols of the pagans were in fact demons. Thus, the ten kings of Atlantis were not ordinary human beings. Instead of ten kings, we might read Djinn kings because these ten kings were demon-possessed. The word “toe” seems to be Arabic for mud which brings us to the mud of Atlantis. This mud, according to Kritias 108, would block the Strait of Gibraltar. We will see that this was not the case. According to the Bible, the first man, Adam was also raised from clay. Pharaoh’s army got its wheels stuck in the mud when the Israelites moved out of the Nile Delta (Exodus 14-15).

So explorers had to know well what kind of island they were looking for. Atlantis, because of its ten demonic kings, was at least “different” and not comparable to other land masses like Antarctica, Greenland, or Cuba. Was Atlantis an island at all? Because nothing related to Atlantis was found off the coast of Spain. At most, there was an overstrained squid that had seen so many researchers flipping by with the same question: do you know the way to Atlantis? As if fate defied it, a pyramid was found on the seabed near the Azores in 2013. Very interesting but a pyramid is not yet Atlantis. Such a pyramid on the seabed does indicate that the sea level was once lower due to the aftermath of the Flood.

Remarkable: Plato never mentioned the evolution theory or the idea that humans descended from apes. Nor did he mention dinosaurs or high-tech such as jet fighters. Nevertheless, Atlantis was a self-sufficient island that mysteriously had everything in abundance, even bicycle pumps. Yet, for equally mysterious reasons, Atlantis argued with the entire world. As if it wasn’t mysterious enough, Atlantis had its sights mostly set on Athens rather than its immediate surroundings such as Spain or Morocco. Self-sufficient sounds modern to our ears and in our time has to do with things like sustainability and transition. We can hardly imagine that Plato had these things in mind. How could Atlantis exist 11,400 years ago and resemble our time in so many ways?

Let me return to Tarshish which we still encounter in Ezekiel 38:13, a scant century before Plato lived. This verse is about a sea power with colonies and deals in the End Times, not the past. An inscription from the Assyrian king Esarhaddon made it clear that Tarsis was a larger island and not a coastal country like Andalusia (doi:10.11141/ia.35.6). I know of only one island that fits the description of Ezekiel 38:13 and this is Great Britain (Source: This means that there was already contact with England in the time of King Solomon. And it also means that the Strait of Gibraltar was thus navigable while Plato claimed that this seaway was blocked by the mud of the sunken Atlantis (Critias 108). Another thing: Plato mentioned America in Timaios 25 but so did Ezekiel who lived barely a century earlier. The young lions in Ezekiel 38:13 were obviously the colonies of Tarsis/England, including America. Was Tarsis Atlantis? No, but in Ezekiel 38:13 it does have an Atlantis aura. The mysterious King Arthur whose name is taken from Assur – Assyria – had all the traits of the coming antichrist and of Atlas of Atlantis.

Differences from the Bible
Other things didn’t add up either. In the Atlantis epic, there is a Noah’s Ark-like story of Deucalion and Pyrrha stranded on a raft on Mount Parnassus in Greece. This Greek mountain is linked in the myth both to the idol Apollo and to the Python Spirit who was also mentioned in Acts 16:16. By the way, the bloodlines of Deucalion and Pyrrha were also demonic and ended with Zeus. Again, they were not ordinary people and moreover belonged to the storyline of Athens. Mount Parnassus in Greece was thousands of miles away from Mount Ararat on which Noah’s Ark was stranded. If these locations were different, was Atlantis really in the place Plato indicated? However, Atlantis had to fit within Plato’s story and could not just be a random island. There was a system behind Plato’s narrative though.

Ugaritic Baal and Anath Cycle
This is how I came across another epic called the Ugaritic Baal and Anath Cycle. In this epic, the god Baal Tsafon had a palace built on Mount Zafon (Jebel Aqra) in northern Syria. There was also a goddess involved named Anath. This Baal Tsafon and Anath, of course, resembled Zeus and Athena. In addition, there was a sea god named Yam who resembled Poseidon. At a later stage, the Philistine idol Dagon also joined in, who also resembled Poseidon. My assumption was that all these idols were masks of each other and had the same demonic nature. As mentioned, Psalm 96:5 teaches us that all these idols are demons. It dawned on me that I had stepped in it. But the good news was that all the previous investigators, like Eve, had also stepped in. Someone had turned all these idols into mythical heroes of Troy or kings of Atlantis. If we were looking for Atlantis then once again the question was legitimate whether Atlantis was a normal island. I could see how the idols had migrated from Mount Zafon to Olympus in Greece. They had crossed over to Greece via Cyprus or Crete. The Philistine idol Dagon made a detour of his own to join the idols of Mount Zafon. Moses had linked the idols of these regions (Canaan) to Babylon (Deuteronomy 4:19). David linked the idols of Babel to the fallen angels in Genesis 6 and to the serpent in Genesis 3.

In the Atlantis epic, I also noticed a dualism. The two Pillars of Hercules, the five twin kings, and the inner contradictions of the entire Atlantis epic seemed to revolve around a dualistic principle. And Atlantis corresponded to gnostic books like Enoch, the Book of Mormon or the Qur’an. In such books, in addition to a good supreme god, there is an evil sub-god like Satan who brings evil into creation. In the Bible, the one God is responsible for both good and evil (Isaiah 45:7). The dualism of Atlantis seemed to extend to both End Times Babylon and Jerusalem where the false temple of the antichrist is placed (Matthew 24:15). Is this not the temple of Poseidon? Did Atlantis perhaps consist of two opposites instead of one island, and was Atlantis doomed by this inner contradiction? In Matthew 12:24-28, Jesus mentioned the kingdom of Satan that was going down because of its inner contradiction. Given that the ten kings of Atlantis also had demonic bloodlines we may assume that Atlantis was the island of Satan.

It was also remarkable that the idols of Atlantis were all acquaintances in the Bible. If someone has committed a crime and that person turns out to be an acquaintance of the police this is usually not a good sign. So it is with the Biblical idols. Each one had a bad reputation. The Philistines from Crete who migrated to Gaza brought their idol Dagon with them. Apparently some Philistines also migrated to Lebanon because the city of Zidon sounds a lot like Sidonia on Crete. Today the city is called Chania. Zidon later founded the city of Tyre which was in many ways a twin of Babylon. This Dagon, according to Christian tradition, is Poseidon. One Edwin L. Brown came to the same conclusion and called the corruption “Posei-daon” (Brown in Louden, 2011, p. 315. We also read the word “aion” into this. We then get “Poseidaion.” Then Plato mentioned the goddess Athena. She was simply a mask of the goddess Astarte who was the goddess of Zidon according to 1 Kings 11:5. In Egypt she became Isis. Plato named another mask of hers, “Neith” who was the goddess of the Nile Delta. Neith sounds like Night – night – a word associated with tzafon. Zeus is Baal Tsafon who according to the book of Exodus by Gary M. Matheny was the Lord of the North. In Exodus 14:2 he was the Sphinx. Can we argue that the setting of the Exodus from Egypt had something to do with Atlantis? Gary M. Matheny also writes that the real route of the Exodus was through the Nile Delta and not through the Gulf of Aqaba. Reeds do not grow in salt water when we are talking about the Reed Sea. The name Heracles is derived from the Syrian word Harokel (Le Clerc in Van Hemert & Daalberg, 1806, p. 127) which resembles the word Oracle in Isaiah 14:28. A Harokel was a merchant. Tyre and Babylon were trading cities where corrupt merchants laundered their business.

In Islamic tradition, the prophet Mohammed made a Night Journey to the seven heavens where he saw Muslims in black and white tunics. So also dualism. Muhammad was born in the year of the elephant, the very animals that also lived on Atlantis (Kritias 114-115). Perhaps there were more connections between Atlantis and the Quran than we thought. I came up with the word Atlantislam. The letters “At” sounded like the Ad or Uz of Edom in Jordan, whose capital is Petra (Bible: Rekem). In the Temple of the Winged Lions in Rekem is a statue of Allah’s daughter Al Uzza (Uz) who looked so much like Athena. Dan Gibson wrote in his book Quranic Geography that the foundations of many mosques in the Middle East point to Petra rather than Mecca.

Atlantis moments in the Bible
In a nutshell, I will mention some Atlantis moments that I encountered in the Bible. As mentioned, the kings of Atlantis were not normal people. I already mentioned their demonic bloodlines. Whereas Adam and Eve were normal people. So Atlantis we cannot compare one to one with the Garden of Eden.

Garden of Eden
But in this garden another creature invaded that resembled Poseidon, namely the serpent in Genesis 3. For the record, King Atlas of Atlantis was just as much a demonic being as his father Poseidon. At best, he was a demon-possessed man, someone like the coming antichrist. At worst, he was no human at all. The myth gave the impression that Atlas was a son of Poseidon as Jesus is a son of God. The myth is good at imitation. But in the myth we should think mainly of masks of the serpent resembling Trojan heroes or kings of Atlantis. So we are looking for an unreal island while the Bible is about reality. So how should we view Atlantis in light of the Bible?

City of Enoch
In Genesis 4, still before the Flood, we encounter the city of Enoch built by Cain and dedicated to his son Enoch. This Enoch was a different Enoch from the prophet Enoch in the bloodline of Set. One Enoch was a nice Enoch, the other Enoch of Cain was an asshole. Then there is also a Book of Enoch in circulation. The impression is given that this Enoch was the prophet in the bloodline of Set. But the book is so full of nonsense and gnosticism that we may rule this out. Apart from the book of Genesis we also have no pre-Flood traditions so the Book of Enoch was written well after the Flood. In Genesis 4 we read about brass working, the harp and shepherd’s flute. The city of Enoch sounds like a precursor to Atlantis, although the founder, Cain was a man. In Genesis 6, we encounter creepy creatures who came from a domain beyond the earth. Their main occupation was to rape women and probably especially the women in Cain’s bloodline. It is also possible that women in the bloodline of Set were raped to thwart the birth of the future messiah. The creeps of Outer Space had some idea of what God was up to with the bloodline of Set. From these women were born giants called Nefilim. Note that they had earthly mothers as opposed to the kings of Atlantis. After the flood, from the bloodline of Canaan, giants were again born such as King Og of Bashan (Golan), Goliath from Gath and one Talmai. In some of these names we recognize “at” of Atlantis or “tla” which means something like “to exalt.” In the names of Hitler, Quetzalcoatl, Willem Tell or Tel Aviv we also encounter this “tl” construction. The Flood was specifically aimed at wiping these giants off the face of the earth. Nevertheless, after the Flood they reappeared from the bloodline of Canaan which was, after all, cursed (Genesis 9:25).

Babylon of Nimrod
After the Flood, all kinds of idols suddenly popped up that we did not encounter before the Flood. First, there was the city of Babylon founded by Nimrod. He was a human being but Babylon was an unreal project. In the center of the city where the city of Al Hillah is today, there was a step pyramid – ziggurat – on which stood a temple dedicated to the idols. This Step Pyramid erroneously called “Tower” of Babel was a blueprint for the later pyramids in Egypt. The same word “Migdol” was used in Genesis 11 and Exodus 14:2. Babylon was the successor to the city of Enoch while Nimrod had the anarchic personality of Cain. Babylon is something we will keep a close eye on if we are to identify Atlantis. The similarities are great.

After Babylon we encounter Crete which in the Bible, was called Kraftor. The Philistines of Kaftor moved to Gaza early after the Flood where they colonized. In the time of the Judges, their colonization didn’t really take off. But they probably went everywhere, like to Lebanon where they founded the city of Sidon as a colony of Sidonia. Possibly they also went to the Baltic States in which we recognize the name of Baal. Rock drawings of Philistine ships have been found here and there in Sweden. Possibly this inspired the later Vikings to also build ships and sail around the world. It is quite possible that the Philistines and later the Phoenicians (Canaanites) traveled to America or even further afield. They had good seaworthy ships. The Philistine idol was Dagon who in Plato’s story was Poseidon. Gaza had five cities that formed a Pentapolis and corresponded to the five twin kings of Atlantis. One of those cities was Gat where the giant Goliath lived. He was a type of both King Atlas and the coming antichrist. Other researchers invariably call the Philistines Minoans because Sir Arthur Evans coined that term. Evans linked the excavations in Crete to the mythical King Minos who also had demonic bloodlines. Only when we understand that the early inhabitants of Crete were Philistines with their idol Dagon do we have a puzzle piece that fits into Plato’s Atlantis story.

Next we encounter Edom in present-day Jordan, whose capital is the rock city of Petra (Rekem). Edom was founded by Esau. In my book I write that Job – you know, that unlucky guy – was a descendant of Esau. He was king Jobab of Edom which was also called Uz. Petra looked like Atlantis and the statue of Al Uzza in the Lion Temple was a hint to Athena. Al Uzza was also a daughter of Allah which confirmed the connection with Islam. Many foundations of ancient mosques in the Middle East point to Petra and not to present day Mecca (Source: Gibson, D. (2011). Qur’ānic Geography: A Survey and Evaluation of the Geographical References in the Qur’an with Suggested Solutions for various Problems and Issues. [pdf] Saskatoon, Canada: Independent Scholar Press). Esau had the same anarchic spirit as Nimrod and Cain. The Atlantis types in the Bible such as the cities of Enoch, Babylon and Petra were linked to the characters of KaÏn, Nimrod and Esau. They were human beings but had an anarchic spirit. The northwest of Saudi Arabia also still belongs to Edom. At present the city of Neom is being built here, bringing a piece of Edom to life.

Nile Delta
In Exodus 14:2 we encounter another Atlantis moment when Baal Tsafon – the Lord of the North – is mentioned. He was the Sphinx and the starting point of the Exodus. So the route was through the Nile Delta and not through the Gulf of Aqaba. Let’s not forget that according to Plato, Neith was Athena the goddess of the Nile Delta. Neith sounded like Night. In The Song of the Sea sung by Miriam, the sister of Moses, we read in Exodus 15 about the defeat of Pharaoh who disappeared with his army into the waves of the Nile Delta just like Atlantis. In addition, the Sphinx shows vertical traces of water erosion. This had to do with the seventh plague of hail and rain. The Migdol in Exodus 14:2 was, as mentioned, the Great Pyramid. This had been built by the Israelite slaves. Flavius Josephus wrote that it took the Israelites ten years to gather all the stones. In another ten years the pyramids were built. The famous “light bulb of Denderah” was, I believe, a hydraulic press. The Nile Delta was regularly flooded. The Leiden Papyrus #344 mentioned the three floods that we encounter in Critias 112. The Nile Delta was the southern dimension of Atlantis.

After the Exodus of the Israelites, we encounter Mount Horeb with its mountaintop Sinai, not to be confused with the Sinai desert but rather with the name of the moon god Sin who later possibly incarnated into Allah or Athena. There has been much speculation as to where this mountain is. According to Gary M. Matheny in his book Exodus, it is Mount Ghraib in the Negev desert. According to other sources, Mount Sinai was in Saudi Arabia. In any case, in Exodus 19, this mountain went down like a cold elephant when Moses wanted to lead the people out again, away from this cold mountain. What does it have to do with Atlantis? Well, many researchers keep mentioning the volcano Thera on the island of Santorini near Crete where according to the history books there was once a volcanic eruption. But point one, Atlantis was felled by an earthquake and not a volcanic eruption. But even if by that earthquake a volcano was meant I rather think of the Sinai/Horeb that was raging precisely so that the surrounding peoples would know who the God of Israel was. Not for nothing was it the harlot Rahab in Jericho who forty years later knew exactly what had happened and therefore let the Israelite spies in. Moses and Joshua would explain once again to the new generation of Israelites how and why the people had escaped Pharaoh. But this wild-eyed harlot already knew everything. This is not to say that Plato also knew about the thunder and smoke from Mount Sinai. But the fact that he linked the goddess Neith to Athena indicates that Mount Sinai was at least as within reach as the volcano Thera. And otherwise the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16 did know but I’ll come back to this. By the way, Revelation 16:18 also mentions an earthquake, this time a huge one!

Babylon of Nebuchanedzar
After Exodus 19, we skip King Solomon’s Temple in 1000 B.C. for a moment and encounter Nebuchanedzar’s Babylon, which was so much like Atlantis, except for the time and location. The temple on the tower was now dedicated to Marduk. In my book I made him the blueprint for all subsequent idols such as Ausar and Dagon. As mentioned, this was the first pagan world empire and Atlantis which with Poseidon at its head was also pagan, could not have existed before. Babylon was overthrown by Cyrus of Persia. He was on his way to conquest and did not realize that the God of the Bible was leading him to deliver the Israelites. His coming was foretold in Isaiah 44:28 and when he came to Babylon and inevitably met the prophet Daniel he read the prophecy about himself. He was so impressed by this that he decided to allow the Israelites to return to Jerusalem. He also gave the order to rebuild the temple. This was done under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Ezra. The Exodus of the Israelites from Babylon was on Passover a thousand years after the Exodus from Egypt. By the way, from the time Cyrus gave the order to rebuild the temple another principle went into effect called 70 Weeks of Years. This trajectory ended to the day 500 years later with the stoning of Stephen followed by a Sabbath year. This is how accurately the Bible that was written down from Adam and later edited by Moses and much later by Paul reckons. Whereas Atlantis was based on vague oral traditions. What did Plato mean by 9000 years earlier when Atlantis went under? Was this a rounded number or did he mean “about” 9000 years earlier? And for what? Before the moment he hurled his Atlantis epic into the world or before his birth? The Bible is extremely precise with its chronology.

Another Atlantis moment is the fall of Tyre in Lebanon which was foretold in Ezekiel 27-28. Tyre was once a colony of Sidon but at some point went its own way. In terms of corruption, Tyre was mentioned in the same breath as Babylon. Nebuchanedzar of Babylon first destroyed all of the port of Tyre which was stuck to the mainland. There also seemed to be a remnant of Philistines/nephilim giants hanging around in Tyre. Those were deflowered at the same time. But Tyre, like the Pillars of Hercules, consists of two components. A mile off the coast is the rock city of Tyre. Nebuchanedzar was unable to take this part. After him came Alexander who did succeed. He smashed the rebuilt port city into rubble and with the rubble he dammed the strait between the port and the rock city, then he also took the rock city. Alexander the Great also destroyed the temple of the idol Melqart. This Melqart was the precursor of Heracles. I never hear the open-minded Atlantis researchers mention this temple of Tyre when they place the Pillars of Hercules somewhere else because otherwise their Thera volcanic eruption theory is wrong. The description of the demise of Tyre sounds like that of Atlantis. The big problem is that Tyre went down after Plato and furthermore was not in the sea off the coast of Spain. So how did Plato know this? Possibly this had to do with the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16 or Plato’s idol Academos. The muffled straits between the port of Tyre and the rock lying in the sea reminds us of the Strait of Gibraltar which, according to Plato, was blocked by the mud of Atlantis.

A schematic approach: Tzafon
So far I have claimed that Atlantis in the Bible went through an evolution from the Poseidon-like serpent in Genesis 3 and the city of Enoch in Genesis 4 to after the Flood, Crete, the Nile Delta, Gaza, Tyre and Babylon. This trajectory is not yet finished. We will see that End Time Babylon in Revelation 17-18 is still in sight, as is End Time Jerusalem with the false temple. There is also another way to look at Atlantis. A colleague of mine gave a new meaning to the word tsaphon which in Psalm 48:2 means “north” and indicated the north flank of the Temple. My colleague sees it this way: if there is a north, then there is also an east, west and south, or a trajectory from sunrise to sunset. Atlantis was on the horizon in the west where the sun set. Babylon as seen from Jerusalem was in the east where the sun rose. The south then was Egypt where, according to Plato, the goddess Neith ruled over the Nile Delta but through which the Exodus also passed. But what was the north? Now it comes, because the north was also Babylon because the hostile armies of Babylon attacked Jerusalem from the north. They could not go directly through the desert. Babylon as seen from Jerusalem was not only in the opposite direction but also in the opposite direction from Atlantis. As if End Time Babylon was mirrored to the Atlantic Ocean and then also considerably back in time. How could Plato come up with something like that? It can’t be helped that the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16 had something to do with it. And who was this mysterious idol Academos to whom Plato had dedicated his Academy? And what Academos have to do with it?

End-time Babylon
I already mentioned the Babylon of Nimrod and Nebuchanedzar. The Bible swears that Babylon will rise from her ashes a third time. We read this in Zechariah 5:11. Currently the city of Al Hillah is here, the third largest city in Iraq with a university. In Jeremiah 51:42, Revelation 17 and 18:19-21 we read Atlantis-like scenes about End Time Babylon. In 18:12 we read about slave ships with ivory. With this ivory we return to the elephants of Atlantis mentioned in Kritias 114-115. The only problem is that End Times Babylon exists in the End Times and not 11,400 years ago. Plus Babylon is on the Euphrates River and not in the Atlantic Ocean. At least if we look at it through a geographical lens. Theologically, according to Revelation 17:1-5, Babylon is not only inland but connected via the Euphrates in the middle of all the world’s oceans, including the Atlantic Ocean. Even if we mirror End Time Babylon in time and place we can place it in the Atlantic Ocean. It is like looking in the mirror and you see how your right eye is on the left and your left eye is on the right. So in the mirror, End Time Babylon had also changed places and then also changed time. Suddenly it was in the Atlantic Ocean. It seems as if “someone” turned the demise of Babylon in Revelation 18 into an alternative creation story called Atlantis. The essence of this contra creation story was that the God of Israel did not participate, even when Atlantis was punished for her unspecified sins. Zeus was the one who punished Atlantis and not the God of the Bible. Both evil and punishment were introduced to Atlantis outside the God of the Bible. This is called gnosticism because it dethroned the omnipotence of the God of the Bible. Another thing: In Jeremiah 50:15 Babylon was called a hammer as Poseidon was the god of earthquakes (Butler, 1898, Iliad 20; Butler, 1900, Odyssey 5; Spence, s.j., p. 236).

End-time Jerusalem
In Daniel 9:26 and Revelation 12:15-16 we read that End-time Jerusalem is also going to be flooded. I already mentioned the false temple of the coming antichrist that will be placed in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15). Thus, End Times Jerusalem also sounds more and more like Atlantis. By the way, according to Zechariah 5:11, Babylon is an annex of Jerusalem. In a way, Atlantis is dualistic…Babylon but also Jerusalem. Atlantis is a mighty theological puzzle. In Jeremiah 52:17 we read of the brass columns of the Temple of Solomon. In front of this temple were the Boaz and Jachin pillars (1 Kings 7:15-22; 2 Chronicles 3:15-17) that resonated with the Pillars of Hercules. In 1 Kings 7:23-39 we read of a cast copper sea with a concentric structure around it. This cast sea stood not on six winged horses (Kritias 116) but on twelve oxen arranged according to the four points of the compass. Just as the horses in the temple of Atlantis had a total of twelve wings. The copper sea leaned on twice five bases that resonated with the five twin kings of Atlantis. Furthermore, we read of four wheels, cherubim, lions and oxen that resonated with the aforementioned bases. The coming false Temple is already built and only needs to be placed (/watch?v=Y5NprTBk3yk).

> Another discussion concerns the location of this temple. I don’t want to go too deep into this but anyone who has read Ernest L. Martin’s books knows that the Haram Sharif area with the Wailing Wall and the Al Aqsa Mosque are remains of the Roman Fortress Antonia. In 70 AD, Jerusalem was completely destroyed. But the Romans, of course, left their own Fort undisturbed. Still later, Emperor Hadrian instituted the Western Wall of this fortress as a wailing wall to harass the Jews. The real City of David was outside the walls of the Haram. This is also where the false temple will be built. This means that the Al Aqsa Mosque does not have to disappear although I would like it to do so immediately. With this false temple we have a picture of the temple of Poseidon complete except that the horses in the Bible were oxen. Jerusalem is the spiritual dimension of Atlantis while Babylon is the earthly and commercial dimension of Atlantis.

In 1 Kings 10:18-19 we read about King Solomon’s golden throne which was additionally adorned with ivory. In verse 19 we read about the six steps of Solomon’s throne. These six steps resonated with the six horses for the image of Poseidon in the temple on Atlantis. 1 Kings 10:22 also mentioned the elephants themselves which obviously provided ivory. Just as there were elephants on Atlantis. Atlantis was among us all along but will be activated when the antichrist puts his image in the false temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15).
To mention tzafon again; I see a schedule before me that stretches from sunrise (Babylon in the east and north) to sunset (Atlantis in the west). The noon hour then is Egypt which I call the southern dimension of tzafon.

Python Spirit
Just as End Time Babylon in the Bible went through an evolution from the city of Enoch, through the Babylon of Nimrod and later of Nebuchanedzar and dragged its soulmate Tyre along with it, so did Atlantis meander through history. Not through evolution but through a city or island that was already finished. It seems that End Times Babylon and Jerusalem were tied together and as a mythical island Atlantis was put into a time machine after which they were transported to a “safe place” in a gray past. I mentioned earlier the mirroring principle. If we incorporate this mirroring principle into a time machine then we understand that Plato’s Atlantis was a mirror image of Babylon and Jerusalem. What ingenious brain could come up with such a thing? Since Plato was not the only one blabbing about Atlantis we may well look further than our noses. How were Troy and Atlantis inspired? Were both stories created in the same way as the Bible? While the Bible was inspired by God, Troy and Atlantis may have been inspired by Satan. Satan in the guise of the serpent or the Python Spirit.

I mention Homer’s Troy or the islands of Scheria and Ogigya in Homer which are nowhere to be found on the map but thematically touch on Atlantis. Scheria may be a corruption of Mount Seir which was also called Schera. We only understand the connection to Atlantis if we understand that we are dealing with thematics. If we place Troy, Ogygia, Scheria and Atlantis on a fictitious chronological timeline then we not only fail to understand the principle of aionic times but we fail to understand it in any case. If we understand that both Homer and Plato were supernaturally inspired by thematically writing down the same things, then we understand that Troy and Atlantis were masks of each other. The Trojan heroes were not humans but descendants of Zeus. So there was no Trojan War in a gray past. The Iliad and Odysseus are as gnostic as the Quran, The Ugaritic Baal and Anath Cycle or the book of Enoch. The Trojan War does bring to mind something else: the Argameddon.

Athanasius Kircher
Then there is Athanasius Kircher’s famous map depicting a pear-shaped island of Atlantis. I discovered that the shape of Kircher’s Atlantis resembled the shape of the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps not exactly but in outline. I was amazed to discover the similarities but also the differences. What was water in this lake was projected as land on the Kircher map. Such a thing was called “inversion.” Also, the shape of the lake on the map was mirrored the other way around. East of this Sea of Galilee were ten cities or towns called Decapolis that resonated with the ten kings of Atlantis. One of these cities was the city of Gadara, a name that resembled Gadeira in the Atlantis story. I suggest that the Sea of Galilee was the real Atlantis sea. Moreover, in Psalm 49:4 we read that this Sea of Galilee is shaped like a harp. Noted in Revelation 18:22, the harp also reappears. Similarly, the island on the Kircher map had the shape of a harp. I googled whether Athanasius Kircher had anything to do with harps. Indeed I came across his model of an Aeolian harp. The thing did not look like a harp but a symmetrical thing that was mirrored on both sides. Aelia was also the name Emperor Hadrian gave to Jerusalem rebuilt from the rubble of the second destruction. So we may certainly link Jerusalem to Atlantis. The harp first appeared in the city of Enoch in Genesis 4. After the Flood, it was King David in particular who played the harp well. He built the city of David. The cities of Enoch, Babylon, Tyre and Jerusalem all fit the pattern of Atlantis.

Al Mansour
And how did Plato come up with that fairy-tale concentric model of Atlantis that researchers keep thinking they recognize on satellite photos? What about the fairy-tale design for Baghdad by Al Mansour that resembled Atlantis. Al Mansour drew a round city with round canals and round city walls, exactly as we read about Atlantis. Baghdad was once founded as a new Babylon. Detail: Baghdad is on the Tigris and Babylon is on the Euphrates. The question is: from whom did Plato, Al Mansour and Athanasius Kircher have all this knowledge? And why were these symbols crammed into an island of Atlantis that lay in the sea to the west? To this I will answer in a moment.

Supernatural inspiration

And Atlantis researchers overlooked another thing. Plato’s Academy was dedicated to an idol called Academos. Thus, Plato’s Academy was a mini Atlantis where Academos took over the role of Poseidon and Plato played for King Atlas. What was the role of these Academos in the creation of the Atlantis story? This, of course, we do not know. What we do know is that the Bible mentions a similar idol called the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16. According to Jewish tradition, this Python Spirit could predict the future, especially since this same spirit is in the future antichrist. Now what if this Python Spirit already knew about End Time Babylon and the temple of the antichrist in Jerusalem. Plato may not have known the prophecies of the prophet Daniel but the Python Spirit did. Now this Python Spirit decided to make the downfall of End Time Babylon a counter creation story where he reversed everything. End-time Babylon and the false Temple in Jerusalem were tied together into an island of Atlantis projected into the Atlantis Ocean. With this scheme, the Python Spirit aka Academos would infiltrate Plato’s mind. So Plato was actually demonically possessed when he wrote down the Atlantis story. Since much of Western philosophy is based on Plato’s ideas, we might wonder if what we call democracy did not also stem from a demonic spirit.

Contra creation
And another thing: this contra creation story starring Atlantis and Atlas ended tragically. Evil was introduced to Atlantis outside of the God of the Bible after which Zeus punished the island, also outside of God. In Isaiah 45:7 we read clearly that God sends both good and evil upon us. It is a gnostic principle that evil came to Atlantis through a sub-god. Zeus aka Satan is then a god in addition to the God of the Bible. For the stage he is subordinate to God but in practice evil comes from him and not from God, which makes Satan a competing god. So then there is no longer a monotheistic omnipotent god. In the Atlantis story, Zeus aka Satan plays for the God of the Bible by “supposedly” punishing Atlantis for the evil that plagued the island. This sounds very much like the coming antichrist who will pose as Christ and place his image in the coming temple in Jerusalem.

Plato had dedicated his Academy to the idol Academos. Other researchers overlooked the role of Academos and took the archaeological route too quickly. Was this idol Academos the same as the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16? In any case, they were operating in the same area, somewhere there in Greece. At least they had the same evil nature. In fact, they were masks of the serpent in Genesis 3. The Python Spirit was associated with the god Apollo not to say that both were the same beings. Apollo, Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Heracles, Dagon, Atlas, Academos and the Python Spirit were all demonic masks of each other. But also the ten kings (or Djinn kings) of Atlantis and the heroes of Troy like Ajax, Helena and Achilles were demonic masks of the serpent in Genesis 3. Achilles was not a tough hero and Helen of Troy was not a charming woman. They were demons with human masks. We fell in nicely, just like Eve who also believed the serpent on his pretty eyes.

The Python Spirit was sometimes replaced by the Cobra as carved on the Sphinx’s forehead. So it is not far-fetched to call the Sphinx the southern dimension of the Tzafon system. We can call this south the noon hour if Babylon was the sunrise and Atlantis the sunset of a trajectory. This whole trajectory from sunrise to sunset is what I call tsafon in my book and is exactly the same trajectory that Jesus takes on his return (Matthew 24:27). Actually, a similar word “tsafun” is also associated with midnight but that gets a little too technical.

Christian tradition has a story in which a nice friendly angel Lucifer who wore a tie and polished shoes fell off his pedestal and became the devil. In the Bible we do not read anything like that, just as we do not read anywhere about an afterlife or an (eternal) hell. In John 8:44 we do read that Satan was a murderer from the beginning. So he was not first a nice friendly angel or caretaker. This fall of Lucifer is linked to the interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. But I think Genesis 1 is just the title of Genesis 1 and the creation story began in verse 2. The six days of the creation story with the seventh day rest are not days of creation but of revelation in my opinion. There is clearly a hearer who wrote everything down, namely Adam. This is another discussion. This fall of Lucifer is again based on Isaiah 14:12, the Son of the Dawn falling from heaven, like King Atlas of Atlantis. This verse does not point to Lucifer in a gray past but to the future antichrist and king of End Time Babylon who is similarly going down. Just like King Atlas of Atlantis.

The Fourth End Kingdom, Daniel 7:19, 7:23
An archaeologist emailed me that Atlantis could have nothing to do with Babylon in Revelation 17-18 because the Greek and Jewish worlds were created separately. They were too far apart. This archaeologist clearly did not understand the role of the Python Spirit or the idol Academos in the whole thing. Another archaeologist stated that Plato had nicked his Atlantis description from the travel writings of Herodotus. This Herodotus was a historian and named the very cities that color the Atlantis story, such as Saïs in Egypt, Tyre and Babylon. Remarkably, Herodotus wrote that the temple in Tyre – dedicated to the idol Melqart – was thousands of years old. I don’t believe this. Apparently there was already confusion about time frames in Plato’s time. The 9,000 years back from Atlantis that Plato mentioned was possibly based on the Egyptian king lists that cited exaggerated years to make the dynasties seem more impressive. The Greek Bible, the Septuagint was written in Alexandria and also somewhat linked to these king lists so the dating does not match the Hebrew Bible. Nevertheless, Paul does sometimes quote from them, as long as we know that the time frames don’t match up.

Returning to the cities Herodotus mentioned, the fact is that Plato described Atlantis as a coherent whole. Atlantis, according to Plato, was larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined. Did Plato know exactly how big Libya or Asia Minor were? For this reason, I do not believe that Atlantis is a legacy of Herodotus. That still leaves the question of why Plato wrote that Atlantis had fallen so far into the past, well before nota bene Babylon was the first pagan world empire? I can only think of one coherent whole in which Babylon also plays a role. I already mentioned three empires, Babylon of Nebuchanedzar, Persia of Cyrus and the Greek empire of Alexander who also destroyed Tyre. The Bible mentions a fourth empire that is so terrifying that Nebuchanedzar went pale as death when he had a vision of it. This is the last and fourth empire mentioned in Daniel 7:19 and 7:23. Babylon is then again the capital and the fourth empire is a mixture of the previous three. It is most likely an empire located in the Middle East with ten demonically possessed kings. Hopla, Atlantis is in the crosshairs. Babylon is then the capital of this Fourth Reich and is connected via the Euphrates, in the middle of all the world’s seas. In Zechariah 5:11 we read about the corrupt Jews taking their business to safety, to Babylon. Now here is the city of Al Hillah, which is the third largest city in Iraq. King Atlas then is the future king of Babylon aka the antichrist. He is a person who is already among us. His evil spirit is from the Tartaros, underworld. The leopardess in Revelation 13:2, like the one in Daniel 7:6, may refer to Greece. Possibly the coming antichrist is a Greek or Macedonian. In Daniel 7:6 the leopardess is Greece which was then called Javan and had its own heavenly ruler (Daniel 10:20). In Paul’s time, Greece was divided into Achaje and Macedonia. Today’s Thessaloniki was then the capital of Macedonia. In our time, Macedonia is a lot smaller and has Skopje as its capital. If the leopardess in Revelation 13:2 is indeed referring to Greece then we better understand the role of Athens in the Atlantis story.

Hopefully I have lifted a big tip of the veil concerning Atlantis. Only time and place of End Time Babylon do not correspond to Plato’s description. But if we see through the principle of reflection and also understand that tzafon is a broad system that reaches from sunrise to sunset, then we understand a little more about Atlantis. End time Babylon is in the Bible the end station of the third aion but in Plato’s story the beginning of a high civilization that existed in the Atlantic Ocean. At the site of Atlantis was actually the underworld where life continued after death. Osiris was the lord of the underworld here which was in the West and assumed the same role as Poseidon. (Source: the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Geru, transl. 2003, spells 11, 18, 79, 117, 127, 137a). In the Quran, Surah 53:7 dealt with this horizon while Ansjaar was mentioned in Surah 9:117 as early as tablet 1 of the Enuma Elish. Ansjaar is a corruption of Ausar and Assyria. He was the same demonic idol as Osiris and Ahura Mazda.

Which underworld was in the west? The discussion of this goes too far but Atlantis, like Homer, is steeped in Gnosticism and the idea that life goes on after this life. Nevertheless, in Revelation 9:11 the Bible also mentions another unsavory place where you’d rather not vacation, the Tartaros. Rather than end up in this Tartaros, you would rather spend the rest of your life locked in the toilet with your mother-in-law. This Tartaros has nothing to do with a realm of the dead but is a prison where the fallen angels in Genesis 6 are locked up. The heroes of Troy and kings of Atlantis are much more like these creepy creatures. I think Sasquatch is also one of those creatures from the Tartaros. The coming antichrist will probably have a spirit that comes from this Tartaros. The myth projected this underworld into the west where Osiris was also in charge. But according to Revelation 9, the Tartaros has something to do with the Euphrates River. In the Bible we read about four fallen angels linked to the Euphrates and certainly not to the Atlantic Ocean. The Python Spirit aka Academos moved the setting from the Euphrates and Jerusalem to the Atlantic. Spain which marked the periphery of Atlantis was not mentioned until late in the Bible in Romans 15:24. What comes after in the Bible came before in the Atlantis epic.

Plato’s Cave
It’s complicated. Surah 53:7 mentions the horizon. Is this the same spot in the west where Atlantis was? And where, according to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Osiris was the Lord of the Underworld in the west (The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Geru, transl. 2003, spells 11, 18, 79, 117, 127, 137a)? Then Orisis was the same idol as Poseidon. Plato’s Cave was also a picture of the underworld and not as academically trained philosophers claim of our world with a lookout for a better heavenly world. As mentioned, the Tartaros houses Poseidon-like creatures. In Sumerian myth, an amphibious creature came from the Persian Gulf called Oannes. He was a predecessor of Dagon aka Poseidon aka Neptune. It may well be that this Oannes had something to do with the Babylonian civilization of Nimrod and encouraged Nimrod to build a Ziggurat – step pyramid – as and blueprint for the later pyramids of Giza. In the End Times this creep will apparently make himself heard. Dagon was a grain god so we are not surprised that in the period leading up to the End Times we find strange signs in the grain fields called crop circles.

As in the Steven Spielberg version of War of the Worlds, these creeps in the End Times are not from Mars but from the ground, namely from the Tartaros. UFOs probably come from the Tartaros as well. But the Atlantis story also gives the impression of an afterlife, as does Homer where we read how Odysseus saw his dead mother Antikleia in the underworld as well as a shadow of Achilles. This is the whole lie of the serpent in Genesis 3 in a nutshell: you shall not die. The book of Ecclesiastes says: dead is dead, the dead know nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5). The Bible therefore preaches a resurrection rather than a gnostic afterlife. Atlantis resonates with this underworld in which life continues after this life.

An island of Atlantis with ten kings with demonic bloodlines that trace back to the idol Poseidon alias Dagon is no ordinary island. We lack the legitimacy to simply search Greenland, Antarctica or Cuba to identify Atlantis. Atlantis is the island of satan. Researchers seeking Atlantis are actually looking for Satan.

In Psalm 18:7-15, Nahum 1:3-5 and Habakuk 3:8 we read of the God of the Bible performing Atlantis-like scenes. We read about a storm god riding his horse over the waves. And further: in my book I write about a post-apocalyptic civilization on Mars. Among other things, I refer to the book The Cydonia Codex by George J. Haas and William R. Saunders. I further explain that all the idols are post-Flood and came from Babylon. Marduk incarnated in Aussar (Assyria) who incarnated in Dagon, Ansjaar (Sura 9:117), Ahura Mazda (Iran) and Osiris (Egypt). A little more about the so-called planet Niburu about which we read a lot. I think Niburu is Babylon again. It is also mentioned in Isaiah 48:7 and means “they were created”. The letters “br” are also encountered in bara, barbar, Nippur and Abraham.

Relevant links:


About mirrors: Giorgi Dell of the facebook group, ПРАВДИВОЕ ЗЕРКАЛО on the operation and deception of mirrors. See also, and


Both Pillars of Hercules and the five twin kings of Atlantis may indicate that Atlantis is a dualistic system consisting of both End-time Babylon and End-time Jerusalem. In Jerusalem will soon be the false temple of the antichrist/Poseidon. In 1 Samuel 5 he was Dagon. In addition, Jerusalem will also be flooded in the End Times. We read this in Daniel 9:26 and Revelation 12:15-16. Also, let’s not forget that the rebuilding of End Times Babylon is a Jewish project where the corrupt Jews place their assets in Babylon. We read this in Zechariah 5:11. Both Jerusalem and Babylon (and Rome) were build on seven hills.


Using TLNTS in the Hebrew Atbach generator, reveals the idol Aktab behind it. He was a writers god of Dadan, present day Al Ula in Saudi Arabia, maybe the same as Nebo in Isaiah 46:1. Deity Aktab was described in JSLih 037 (male) as hn-ktb and in JSLih 055 h-ktby, female deity.


Atlantis is mayeb an anagram of Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1.


The temple of Poseidon, according to Critias 116, was fortified with a citadel. This citadel was lined with the mysterious precious metal called aurichalcum. No one knows exactly what this alloy was. But it may just be that this aurichalcum was a reference to the two doors of the Nicanor Gate in Jerusalem. These two doors had been supplied to the Second Temple by a Jew from Alexandria and were covered with Corinthian bronze. This was an alloy of copper with traces of gold and silver. Again the question: could Plato see into the future? No, but the Python Ghost does, aka Plato’s idol Academos.,2,6,19,333,387,388&img=IJNTMDTB57

Below: Jerusalem, 30 march 2016

Below: King Atlas of Atlantis carried the sun on his shoulders (and not the globe). If we understand that Atlantis was mirrored in time and place from End Time Babylon and Jerusalem, then we understand that the Third Temple has something to do with the temple of Poseidon. While the rest of Atlantis takes place in End Time Babylon, the temple is located in Jerusalem from where Babylon is also ruled. Babylon is a Jewish project. In the temple you will see the sun sitting on a large pillar for around 40 seconds. In my opinion, this is the sun that Atlas carried on his shoulders. Zie:

Third Temple project

This is the false Third Temple in Jersalem in which the antichrist will put his statue. This is the Temple of Poseidon.

Real location of Herod’s Temple

Is the Haram Shariff in the heart of Jerusalem the surrounded place as mentioned in Revelation 11:2? Both the islamic Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque that sit in the Haram Es Shariff were built on the fundaments of the former Temple of Zeus, that was built by Emperor Hadrian who also built the tempel in Baalbek, Lebanon. The true Temple of Herod was built outside the Haram Sharif on a hill that was the location of the City of David. The Wailing Wall is a remnant of the Roman Fortress Antonia. Both the pagan Haram Shariff and the true location of the Temple outside the complex form a dualistic Atlantis system in the heart of Jerusalem. This dualistic Atlantis was expressed by the Pillars of Hercules. As the prophet Muhammed was an expression of Zeus and Atlas. More about the location of the real Temple of Salomon and Herod:

Askelm * Deel 1 * Deel 2

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Atlantis Boek:

Mirror website:



Thorwald C. Franke Twitter
Oliver D. Smith Twitter
Robin Waterfield [Website]

Hamlet’s Mill [Read here]

Atlantis Newsletter

© Leon Elshout, Pesach 2018, new online edition 23 january 2019

* * *

Radio Interview with AAVIsie about my Tsaphon Atlantis Book, 7 september 2020
Hillah/Babil Facebook:
See Al Hillah as Atlantis
See the Ishtar Gate,
Hillah will be rebuild as Atlantis, Zacharia 5:11
Benjamin Newton: Al Hillah as Babylon
Fokelien Kootstra, The writing culture of ancient Dadan [Lees hier]
Otto Eissfeldt, Baal Tsafon, Zeus, Kasios [Read here]

John Martin, The Fall of Babylon
Gustave Doré, Fallen Babylon
Paula Rego, How Many Miles to Babylon?
Martin Lang on Babylon
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Babylon Revisited

Charles Dyer: rebuilding Babylon
Gerhard Kringe on Babel
Babylon = Babylon
Babylon = Babylon part 2
Athanasius Kirchner’s “Harp” shaped Atlantis map
Red Gold of Parvaim
Was Auscwhitz Birkenau a temple for Baal Tsaphon?
Baal Tzaphon-Zeus on Mars
Atlantis Forum (Was Aurichalcum Corinthian Bronze?)
Arthur J. Ferch, Daniel 7 and Ugarith Doi 10.2307/3265701
 [Lees hier]
Julian Morgenstern, The son of man in Daniel 7, Doi 10.2307/3264567 [Read here]
Milik & Teixidor, oktober 1961, nr. 163, p. 22-25, Doi 10.2307/1355770 

More reading: Scheil, Andrew P. (2016). Babylon Under Western Eyes: A Study of Allusion and Myth. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto.

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Bron, B. Jowett (Vol. III, derde editie 1892) vertaling van Plato’s Dialogen, Timaeus & Kritias. (Plato’s Grot: De Staat VII.514-520)

©, leon elshout, 2 juni 2019

Atlantis: 9000 jaar voor Plato

Kritias 108: 9000 jaar eerder; eiland Atlantis voerde oorlog tegen Athene. (Zie Timaeus 25). Atlantis zonk in zee door een aardbeving. (Zie Openbaring 16:18). Atlantis was groter dan Turkije en Libië samen. Modder van Atlantis blokkeerde de Straat van Gibraltar.

Kritias 113: Solon had Atlantisverhaal vertaald. Atlantis verhaal kwam uit Egypte. (Hadden de Egyptenaren het verhaal overgeleverd gekregen van de Edomieten/Hyksos?). De goden hadden de aarde verdeeld. Poseidon had Atlantis gekregen. Centrale heuvel op eiland Atlantis met Evenor en Leukippe die dochter Kleito verwekten. (Ze waren geen menselijke wezens maar Titanen). Poseidon maakte cyclopische grachten met balustraden rond de hoofdstad. Twee bronnen onder Atlantis; koud en warm water (vergelijk met Ezechiel 47:1-12). Er was nog geen scheepvaart; Atlantis was ontoegankelijk voor buitenlanders. (Atlantis was isolationistisch). Dankzij de bronnen was er voedsel er in overvloed: neiging naar zelfvoorziening.

Kritias 113-114: Poseidon verwekte vijf paar tweelingzonen bij Kleito. Allen werden koning van Atlantis. Poseidon deelde Atlantis in tien delen.

Kritias 114: Oudste zoon van Poseidon en Kleito: Koning Atlas. Hij kreeg het grootste stuk van Atlantis. Tweelingbroer van Atlas, Eumelus (Gadeiros) kreeg gebied bij Gibraltar dat tegenover Gades lag (Tegenstrijdig: lag bij Gibraltar en tegenover Cadiz). Erg cryptisch beschreven; er valt geen touw aan vast te knopen. Bossen, alles in overvloed. Zelfvoorzienend. Hout voor timmerwerk, orichalcum uit mijnbouw. Koning Mnesus wordt genoemd.

Kritias 114-115: Olifanten

Kritias 115: Scheepswerven, ronde kanalen, grote schepen, moerassen, tempels, paleizen. Andere dieren.

Kritias 117: Bronnen onder paleis en tempel, koud en warm water. (vgl. Ezechiël 47:1-12; Genesis 2:10-14). Hele eiland paardenrenbaan. Er waren tempels voor andere afgoden. Bos van Poseidon. Scheepswerven, vrachtschepen, kooplieden = Harokel = Heracles.

Kritias 118: Hout in overvloed

Kritias 119: Tienduizend strijdwagens, paarden en ruiters. Bevolking in de bergen en in de hoofdstad was niet te tellen. Er waren stieren. Tien koningen en 1200 schepen. Oorlogssituatie in de koningsstad. 12 = Bijbels getal. Pilaren met orichalcum. Stieren (Baäl-aanbidding) in heiligdom van Poseidon; offeren van stieren.

Kritias 120: Wijnbekers, wetten in de pilaren van de tempel geschreven.

Kritias 121: Kapitalistische hebzucht op Atlantis. Zeus strafte Atlantis hiervoor.

Timaeus 24: Troepenmacht van Atlantis rukte op tegen Europa , Athene en Azië; Leger kwam van voorbij de Zuilen van Hercules. De Straat van Gibraltar was nog wel bevaarbaar.

Timaeus 24-25: Atlantis was groter dan Turkije en Libië samen

Timaeus 25: Plato noemde het continent aan de overzijde van de oceaan. Dit was natuurlijk Amerika. Atlantis was doorreishaven naar Amerika. (Atlantis was dus niet langer isolationistisch). Atlantis had delen van Europe en Noord-Afrika tot en met Libië en Egypte aan zich onderworpen. Atlantis onderwierp Europa tot aan Tyrrhenia (Maar wat was Tyrrhenia?). Aardbevingen en overstromingen, Atlantis opgeslokt en in zee verdwenen. Modder voor Gibraltar blokkeerde schepen.

Athene: 9000-8000 jaar voor Plato

Kritias 108: Godin Mnemosyne (Verbastering van “M-n”).
Kritias 109: Land werd verdeeld onder de goden Hephaistos en Athena (Neith) worden genoemd. Ze waren broer en zus. Feitelijk waren ze Baäl Tzafon en Astarte. Liefde voor filosofie en kunst. Beschavingen kwamen op en gingen steeds verloren. Domme volk overleefde steeds en woonde in de bergen. Domme volk had een desinteresse voor kunst en literatuur.

Kritias 111: Athene was zelfvoorzienend, hout en voedsel in overvloed, ook voor het vee. Het regenwater werd opgevangen in bekkens.

Kritias 112: Regen, aardbevingen en drie overstromingen voor de Vloed van Deucalion. Erg warrig beschreven; er valt geen touw aan vast te knopen. Fontein onder de centrale heuvel, de Akropolis. (De drie overstromingen vonden plaats in Egypte tijdens de Exodus en staan wellicht beschreven in de Leiden Papyrus #344).

Timaeus 21: Athena werd in Egypte Neith genoemd. Ze was de patron van de stad Sais die door Solon werd bezocht. Sais lag in de Nijl Delta. (Was dit een stille hint naar de Exodus?).

Timaeus 21-22: Solon kreeg overleveringen over antieke geschiedenis van de priesters van Sais. Sais lag in de Nijldelta.

Timaeus 22: Phoroneus eerste mens. Deukalion en Purrha overleefden de Vloed. Mensheid vele malen bijna ten onder gegaan door water en vuur. (Phoroneus, Deucalion and Pyrrha waren niet menselijke wezens maar Titanen, net als de gevallen engelen in Genesis 6).

Timaeus 23: Meer dan één vloed. Voor de grote Vloed (van Deucalion?), was Athene in oorlog. Godin Athena stichtte Athene 8000 of 9000 jaar voor Plato. Domme volk overleefde steeds de rampen.

Timaeus 24: Schaapherders en jagers in Athene (Vergelijk de Bijbel: Ezau en Nimrod waren jagers; de herders kwamen bij Jezus). Wetten op allerlei gebied in Athene (vergl. Hammurabi Codex). Leger van Atlantis viel Europa en Azië binnen. Dit leger kwam van en eiland dat voor de kust van Gibraltar in zee lag. Het lag voor de Zuilen van Hercules. in front of the Pillars of Hercules. Aziaten worden genoemd.

Timaeus 25: Athene won de oorlog tegen Atlantis en maakte de Atlantiërs tot slaven. Alle volken binnen de Zuilen van Hercules werden door Athene bevrijd.