Taphon, Tsafun and Atlantis
written 18 aug. posted 19 aug. 2018
The word “Tsaphon” means “north” and is number #6828 of Strong’s Bible Concordance. We find this word in Genesis 13:14, 28:14; Exodus 26:20, 26:35, 27:11, 36:25, 38:11, 40:22; Leviticus 1:1, Numbers 2:25, 3:35, 34:7, 34:9, 35:5, Deuteronomium 2:3, 3:27; Joshua 8:11, 8:13, 11:2, 13:3, 15:5, 15:6,7,8, 15:10 and Psalm 48:2. In Exodus 14:2 we read about the mysterious Baäl-Tzaphon who is the sphinx (Matheny, 2011, p. 138). Baäl Tzaphon, meaning Lord of the North is a strange name for a monument that is located south of Jerusalem in Cairo.
In the north of Syria we have the mountain named Jebel Aqra which was in ancient times named Mount Tzaphon. On this mountain the Canaanite (Phoenicia) deity Baal Tzafon had built his palace to imitate the God of the Bible who had His Mount Sion in Jerusalem. In Psalm 48:2 the word “Tzaphon” is even used for the northern side of Mount Sion in Jerusalem.
The theological north in the Bible was the same as the geographical east, which is Babylon on the Euphrates (Baron, 1918, p. 69; De Koning, 2014, p. 28). The hostile armies of Babylon invaded Jerusalem from the north because they were not able to cross the desert from the east.
The south
If Babylon is both the east and the north, then what is the south? According to Daniel 11:5 the south is Egypt. In Egypt we find the starting point of the Exodus which is the old city of Cairo with the Sphinx, named Baal Tsafon (Exodus 14:1-2). So the Sphinx in the south points to the Lord of the North who is Baal Tsaphon.
The west
Then what is the West? The West can be anything. Geographically it is “Yam” which means the Mediterranean Sea. But we can easily recognize the horizon beyond Gibraltar in this system. This is where Plato located Atlantis. The West could even be Tarshish aka Great-Britain that plays according to Ezekiel 38:13 a significant role in the End Times. Atlantis was the opposite of Babylon as the Pillars of Hercules were opposite Pillars (Hall, 1928, p. 114). And as the Twin Kings of Atlantis were opposite kings (Hall, 1928, p. 73). These ten Twin Kings were called Tetractys (Hall, 1928, p. 73).
North, east, south and west can also be compared with midnight, sunrise, noon and sundown (study by Klaas Goverts on Jeremiah 1:13-1:15 in Word, probably in book format now). Babylon with her sungod Marduk was the city of the sunrise. Atlantis was the place where Marduk went down into the abyss of the sea in the same way as the antichrist will go down (Isaiah 14:12). Cairo as the south expresses the noon. King Salomon referred to this noon when he wrote about the evil works under the hot sun Ecclesiastes 4:1. These evil works were of course the building of the piramids (migdol) and the Sphinx (Baal-Zafon) by the Israelite slaves. André Neher said that Midnight has many faces and all of them are dark (Neher in a study of Klaas Goverts on Jeremiah 1:13-1:15). Midnight has as many faces as Isis aka Athena of Atlantis had thousand names and masks (Baily in Stark, 2007, p. 101).
North as Midnight is the 25th hour which is the real mask (study by Klaas Goverts on Jeremiah 1:13-1:15 in Word, probably in book format now). We read about this 25th hour in Jeremiah 1:13. Jeremiah had seen this evil mask that invaded Jerusalem. This dark midnight hour was the moment when the Jews from Jerusalem were taken into captivity to Babylon. Or should I say, to Atlantis? Tsaphon is not only a place but it is also time. It is the captivity hour of midnight with a destination Babylon. Midnight is an important symbol in the Bible. According to Matthew 25 Jesus will return at midnight for the Israelites.
A similar word to Tsaphon is Tsafun which is the 12th stage of the Jewish Seder ritual of the Pesach celebration. During Seder the Jews remember the Exodus from Egypt. During midnight the jews eat a half piece of matze bread which is called Afikoman. Whether they eat it just before or after midnight is not so relevant. Relevant is that this moment is experienced as midnight (Schneider, z.d., alinea 3). Tsafun means also secret and hidden. This is a type of Christ who worked the past 2000 years hidden behind the world stage. In Ephesians 1:9 we read about the secret of grace and the body of christ. Christ is not only the resurrected Jesus but also His body which is the ecclesia.
Midnight sun
Which sun was worshipped in Babylon? Our day sun or the midnight sun? According to Apuleius a Midnight sun exists in the realm of kabbalah (Hall, 1928, p. 128). Let me recall this great song by Al DiMeola Love Theme From Pictures of The Sea, from his album Land of the Midnight Sun.
In Mayan and Aztec Art “mirroring” was a common principle (Heizer & Gullberg, cited in Haas &
Saunders, 2005, p. 72; Schele & Schele, cited in Haas & Saunders, p. 74, fig. 3.19). Because Quetzalcoatl was the Atzec alter ego of Atlas, we can apply this principle of mirroring on Atlantis. The aurichalcum on Atlantis was mirroring or reflecting stuff as the copper plates of the brass in the tabernacle were endlessly polished to become mirrors (Exodus 30:18). Atlantis was a mirrored phantom island in the sea in front of Gibraltar while the original format of Atlantis was Endtimes Babylon. The idea that something in the past was copied from somthing in the future is not so strange. Also Adam who was the first human being was created in the image of Jesus Christ who was born about 4000 years later. The magic interaction bewteen Babylon and Atlantis seemed to follow this principle.
Baron, D. (1918). The Visions & Prophecy of Zechariah: “The Prophet of Hope and of Glory” An Exposition. London, Groot-Britannië: Morgan & Scott. Geraadpleegd van: https://archive.org/details/thevisions00barouoft
Haas, G. J., & Saunders, W. R. (2005). The Cydonia Codex: Reflections from Mars. Berkeley, CA, USA: Frog Books.
Hall, M. P. (1928). The Secret Teachings of All Ages. San Francisco, USA: H.S. Crocker Company, Inc..
Matheny, G. M. (2011). Exodus, The Route, Sea Crossing, God’s Mountain. USA: Xulon.
Schneider, S. Y. (z.d.). Tsafun—Afikoman. Geraadpleegd op 11 augustus 2018, van http://astillsmallvoice.org/tsafun-afikoman/
Stark, R. (2007). Cities of God: The real Story of how christianity became an urban movement and
conquered Rome. New York, USA: Harper One.