Plato was lying
In Critias 108 and Timaios 25 Plato suggested that the Strait of Gibraltar was unnavigable due to the mud of the sunken Atlantis. In Timaios 25 he had even mentioned the great Atlantic Ocean and the continent on the other side of it, which is of course America. Now I ask you, how would the mud of Atlantis make the Strait of Gibraltar unnavigable and Atlantis itself not?
Let’s jump over to Ezekiel 38:13 where we read about Tarshish and it’s young lions. One of the keys to understand what the Bible is all about, has to do with Tarshish. The prophet Jonah tried to escape to Tarshish. He left from Jafo near Tel Aviv, so he could go only in one direction, which was to the West. It is not difficult to understand that the young lions of Tarshish are colonies. No wonder that many christians had confused Tarshish with Spain and her former colonies. But there were other European countries that had colonies, like England, France and the Netherlands. Maybe Tarshish was an expression for Europe or the Old World.
The Assyrian King EsarHaddon called Tarshish clearly an island, even a big island and clearly not some kind of peninsula (1). Spain is not an island but a peninsula. For that reason it was England that caught my attention. Also John Ecob that Tarshish was England and that her young lions are simply the former colonies like America and Australia (2). King Salomon used Tarshish ships that were probably a type of ships. In his time England was already well known. If Jonah was able to take a ship to escape to Tarshish, this means that the Strait of Gibraltar was navigable unlike to what Plato stated.
Clearly Plato mentioned the Greek Underworld when he pointed to the western horizon where had had located Atlantis. But his one simple lie about an unnavigable Strait of Gibraltar revealed the true fingerprint of the Python Spirit in Acts 16 who was really behind the Atlantis story.
(1) doi:10.11141/ia.35.6
(2) Ecob, J. (2017, 5 juni). Tarshish – Britain or Spain? [Blogpost]. Geraadpleegd van