How did Plato Know about Endtimes Babylon?
1 september 2018
By Leon Elshout
If Atlantis was a mirrored scenario of the downfall of Endtimes Babylon on the Euphrates in Revelation 17-18, how did Plato know about Endtimes Babylon?
In Jeremiah 51 we read some prophecies about the fall of Endtimes Babylon that according to Zacharia 5:11 will be rebuilt. In verse 29 we read about a mighty earthquake that is the same one as in Revelation 16:18. In the verses 42 and 55 we read about the waters that will flood Endtimes Babylon. These water can be metaphors of the hostile armies that will surround Endtimes Babylon. But it is also possible that the Euphrates will flood Endtimes Babylon.In Jeremiah 50:15, Babylon is called a “hammer”. This is a reference to an earthquake. In verse 37 we read about horses and chariots, in vers 38 we read again about the waters of Babylon that dry up, as the Strait of Gibraltar was unnavigable according to Plato (Timaeus 25). In Jeremiah 50:46 we read about an earthquake that destroys Babylon. The destruction of the walls of Babylon by fire as mentioned in Jeremiah 51:58 was most likely the blueprint for the myth of Troy. In Jeremiah 52:17 we read about the pillars of copper in Salomon’s temple in Jerusalem that was stolen and taken to Babylon. In Jeremiah 52:17 we read about two pillars and the Sea of Salomon that was taken to Babylon. These attributes were probably the blueprint for the temple of Poseidon on Atlantis. In Jeremiah 42:11 we read about the slavery in Babylon when the jews were enslaved there. In Psalm 83 we read about ten hostile kings of the Babylonian empire who will surround Endtimes Jerusalem. In Isaiah 14:12 we read about the fall of the king of Endtimes Babylon who is the coming antichrist aka Atlas of Atlantis. In Daniel 7 we read about the Lawless One who will take seat in the future temple in Jerusalem. This temple is the temple of Poseidon that is the only Atlantis symbol that is not located in Endtimes Babylon.
All this fragmented information about Endtimes Babylon could have reached Plato in many different ways and in a corrupted form. The Gods of Canaan who were the Gods of Babylon had also reached Athens. So fragments of the Endtimes prophecies in Jeremiah could have reached Athens too. Let us not forget that Poseidon was the Canaanite deity dagon who originated in Babylon. The semitic culture had reached Athens via Cyprus (Powell in Louden, 2011, p. 318). In the Odyssee we read about the Phoenicians who were the Canaanites (Dougherty in Louden, 2011, p. 319). So the information about Endtimes Babylon was already there when Plato wrote his Atlantis story. It could have reached him in many different ways.
Mirrored or inverted
But why was Endtimes Babylon mirrored in time and space to become Atlantis? Let us not forget that many christians today confuse Endtimes Babylon with Rome. Some christians even believe that the Endtimes Tribulation had already happened back in 70 AD when Jerusalem was sacked by the Roman army of Titus. So the mirroring of Endtimes Babylon into Atlantis is less crazy then we might think. Let us not forget that the Book of Jeremiah has a chiastic inversion structure. It is a next step to invert Endtimes Babylon into Atlantis. Other options:
1. Plato had his personal reasons to convert – or better to invert – Endtimes Babylon into Atlantis. Maybe he wanted to make a contra-creation story out of it in which Poseidon introduced evil on the island instead of the God of the Bible. Maybe his Atlantis story began as a parody on Endtimes Babylon and grow more seriously over the time.
2. Plato could have received the final “clock and clapper” version of the prophecy in Jeremiah 51, eventually in combination with the prophecy on the fall of Tyrus in Ezekiel 26-28. The waterflood in Jeremiah 51:42, 55 showed Plato that the event had happened in the Atlantic Ocean. Because there was no island Atlantis off the coast of Gibraltar, Plato invented an island that had existed 9000 years earlier but that had disappeared into the sea due to a catastrophic earthquake. Not the God of the Bible but Poseidon had introduced evil on this island. Endtimes Babylon, inverted into Atlantis was now a Greek story in which the resurrection of Christ was deleted. Also the Biblical God of good AND evil (Isaiah 45:7) was absent in this Atlantis story.
3. Plato might have been confused by the historical events of the fall of Nebuchanedzar’s Babylon and the prophecies about the rebuilding and fall of Babylon in a remote future. The simpliest thing for Plato was to make a story out of it in which a mysterious island Atlantis had been long ago sunken in the sea due to a huge catastrophe.
4. Somewhere on the Facebook timeline between the mysterious priest of Sais and Plato there should have been supranatural (demonic) influence that had corrupted the prophecy on Endtimes Babylon into Atlantis. We see the mirroring principle of opposites also in the Qu’ran. Islamic Isa was according to the muslims the Biblical Jesus. But Isa sounds more like Esau who had the spirit of the antichrist (Deedat, z.j., Chapter 2: Jesus in the Quran, par. “EESA” LATINISED TO JESUS). Islamic Mehdi is recognized to free Endtimes Jerusalem from the Jews while the book of Revelation teaches us that Jesus frees Endtimes Jerusalem from the hostile armies. Actually Mehdi was stolen from Revelation 6:2 as Atlantis was stolen from Jeremiah 51.
We should not forget that gnostic books as the Book of Enoch, The Book of Mormon and the Qu’ran have an obsession with a remote past. They challenge the book of Genesis and corrupt the historical truth of Genesis by neglecting the aions in the Bible. Plato’s Atlantis story follows the same principle. The different Atlantis symbols in the Bible were sifted out of the eons and brought together into this one lonely island Atlantis that was hidden in a remote past, that nobody was able to verify.
Update, 9 october 2018
Greek historian Herodotus wrote in book I of his classic work Histories that there had been a golden statue of Zeus in his temple in Babylon (Herodotus, Historiën, Godley, vert. 1920, 1.183). He connected Zeus with Marduk. In book II verse 62 he wrote about the Feast of Lamps in Sais, Egypt. In book 2 verse 44 he wrote about the pillars of gold and emerald in the temple of Heracles in Tyrus. And there was a big pillar that was shining at night. This shining pillar reminds us of the reflecting aurichalcum in the temple of Poseidon. Heracles was the same god as Melqart who was worshipped in Tyrus. Heracles is derived from the word haro-kel, meaning “merchant”.
Atlantis verpakt als Babylon, Tyrus en Saïs was ook al in de informatie van de geschiedschrijver Herodotus voorhanden. In de eerste twee boeken van zijn klassieke werk Historiën schreef hij over zijn reizen naar Babylon, Tyrus en Sais. In boek 1 schreef hij dat er een gouden beeld van Zeus (Marduk) in de tempel in Babylon stond (Herodotus, Historiën, Godley, vert. 1920, 1.183). In boek 2, vers 62 noemde hij Saïs in de Nijldelta waar het ‘Feest van de Lampen’ gevierd werd. In Tyrus zag hij ‘twee pilaren’ van ‘goud’ en ‘smaragden’ en een grote pilaar die ‘‘s nachts scheen’ (Herodotus, Historiën, Godley vert. 1920, boek 2:44). Deze pilaren deden aan de Zuilen van Hercules denken maar ook aan de met aurichalcum beklede pilaren in de tempel van Poseidon (Kritias 116, 119). In Tyrus werd Melqart aanbeden. Herodotus vergeleek hem met Heracles. Maar de naam Heracles kwam van het Syrische woord ‘Haro-kel’ dat ‘koopman’ betekende…
Deedat, A. (z.j.). Christ in Islam. Consulted on 1 sept. 2018 from
Louden, B. (2011). Homer’s Odyssey and the Near East. Cambridge, Groot-Brittannië: Cambridge University Press.