(3) Atlantis as a theological model of End Times Babylon (Rev. 17-18) and the storylines of Atlantis and Athens.
* Note, since the beginning of my research I had made new conclusions. On the frontpage of my website I claim that Plato’s Atlantis was a dualistic principle that covers both Endtimes Jerusalem, the third temple and Babylon. I claim that it is all mirrored. Some blogs about Atlantis may seem a bit confusing but this is because I have made an evolution in thinking. Atlantis was not only mirrored but fits also within the theological model of tsaphon, north, east, west and south as seen from Jerusalem. You can also read my blog on Athanasius Kircher’s Atlantis map which is a conversion of the Sea of Galilee. – written 30 sept. 2020
Leon Elshout: my 600 pages book on Atlantis as Babylon in Dutch language: https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl/ (Pesach 2018) aurichalcum2018@protonmail.com. Also: http://vixra.org/abs/1805.0435.
A theological look at Atlantis
Poseidon and Athena were the Gods of Atlantis. So we should not overlook the theological dimension of Plato’s Atlantis story. In the Bible they were named Baäl Tzaphon and Astarte. Poseidon was also the philistine deity Dagon. But Baal Tzaphon and Dagon were masks of each other. In Timaeus 21, Plato said that Athena and Neith were masks of each other. This corresponds with Psalm 95:6 that states that all deities of the nations are in fact demonic forces. Neith alias Athena was the goddess of the Nile Delta (Plato, Jowett, transl. 1892, Timaeus 21). This should be a reference to the Exodus story.
There are many symbols in the Atlantis Story that we find in the Book of Revelation. Like the orichalcum that glittered in Poseidon’s temple (Critias 119). We find a similar word in Revelation 1:15 and 2:18 where it was translated with “white bronze” (scripture4all.org). The orichalcum resonates also with the red moon in Acts 2:20 and with the blood red fabric of Jesus when he returns in the End Times from Edom = Jordany (Isaiah 63).
The Atlantis story has possibly an Edomite origine. Atlantis can be read as Ad-lantUz or Uz-Lantis. Uz was the land of Job and the same land as Edom (Lamentations 4:21). All these symbols that we find also in the Atlantis story, refer to the End Times. It is legitimate to lay Atlantis down the Biblical yardstick.
In Homer’s Odyssey book 6 & 13 we read about the Phaeacians from the island Scheria. Scheria was thematically the same island as Atlantis. In Odyssey Book 12 we read about a Sea of Mud (Homeros, Butler transl. 1900). This same mud blocked the Strait of Gibraltar as a result of the downfall of Atlantis Plato, Jowett, transl. 1892, Timaeus 25).
The Biblical Mount Seir was called Schera, a name which is similar to Scheria (David Rumsey Map Collection, 1853 & 1875 in Matheny, 2011, p. 342). With so many Biblical symbols in the Atlantis story, we will need to look into the Bible if we want to identify Atlantis. These Phaeacians were the Philistines with their deity Dagon who was a blueprint for Poseidon. Crete was the blueprint for Scheria. In the Bible, Crete is called Kaftor.
There is a huge earthquake in Revelation 16:18 regarding the fall of Babylon. This is of course the earthquake that hit Atlantis in Critias 108 (Plato, Jowett, transl. 1892). The earthquake was as the whole Atlantis story, mirrored in time and space. Poseidon was the god of earthquakes ((Homeros, Butler, vert. 1898, Ilias 20; Homeros, Butler, vert. 1900, Odyssee 5). Atlantis resonates with Psalm 18:7-15, Nahum 1:3-5 and Habakuk 3:8.
How did Plato know of the existence of America, if the Strait of Gibraltar was blocked by mud for 9000 years (Timaeus 25)? The Greek couple Deucalion and Purrha survived a Flood and landed on the Mount Parnassus (Timaeus 22). But they were offspring of deities, so they were no humans at all. They were similar to the fallen angels in Genesis 6 and 2 Peter 2:4. While Noach and his family and a bunch of animals landed on Mount Ararat, which sits thousands miles from Parnassus. And how could Cleito was a non-human give birth to five twin sons while all of them became kings of Atlantis. This sounds too crazy for words.
The Atlantis Model
Atlantis developed as a model. The serpent in Eden was the first blueprint for Poseidon (Genesis 3). The city of Henoch, which was built by Cain before the Flood (Genesis 4) was the blueprint for Atlantis. After de Flood it was Nimrod’s city of Babylon which was the blueprint for Atlantis.
In Abraham’s time we meet with the Philistines of Kaftor/Crete. They were the Phaeacians in Homer’s Odyssey books 6 & 13. Their god was dagon who was the same god as Poseidon. The island Scheria was an imitation of Crete.
The book of Exodus has a strong Atlantis aura. Pharao with his Atlantis like army disappeared into the waves of the Nile Delta (Exodus 14:28; Habakuk 3:8) (Matheny, 2011, p. 155, 160, 162). Also Plato stated that Athena, alias Neith was the deity of the Nilde Delta (Timaeus 21). The ten plagues of Exodus reflected the ten kings of Atlantis. Baal Tzaphon in Exodus 14:1-2 was the Sphinx while Migdol was the Great Pyramid (Matheny, 2011, p. 138). The Persians called him Ahura Mazda (Sauer, 1940, p. 208).
Nimrod’s migdol of Babylon was the blueprint for the Egyptian Migdol. In a later era, Cairo was called Babylon II. More on Baal Tzaphon and Migdol you will find in in Gary M. Matheny’s book: Exodus (Matheny, 2011). The three Floods in Critias 112 (Plato, Jowett, transl. 1892) were three Floods in the Nile Delta during Exodus (Leiden Papyrus #344, in Matheny 2011, p. 167).
In the time of the book of Judges we read about the Philistine colony Gaza. Gaza had five cities, named Pentapolis. These five cities reflected the five twin kings of Atlantis. These Philistines were the Sea Peoples. They were another “stage” in the ongoing Atlantis model. The Dagon temples in Gaza were blueprints for the temple of Poseidon.
Tarshish, Ezekiel 38:13
My research concludes that Tarshish is England and not Spain. Tartessos was probably the arabic name for Tarshish (Ecob, 2017). Also the Assyrian king Esar Haddon called Tarshish an island an clearly not a coastland (Elat in Thompson & Skaggs, 2013, chapter: 3.2 Philological considerations). This means that during the reign of king Salomo, Tarshish was already known in the Levant (1 Kings 9:26 ; 22:48). A type of “Tarshish Ships” was used by king Salomo and his collegue, king Hiram. And this means that the Strait of Gibraltar was NOT blocked by the mud of a sunken Atlantis as Plato stated (Timaeus 25).
The fall of Tyrus as described in Ezekiel 26-28 was an Atlantis moment. It was Alexander the Great who destroyed Tyrus. Babylon and Tyrus are in the Bible related to each other and both were symbols of corruption and world trade. The downfall of Tyrus was a shadow of the downfall of End Times Babylon in Revelation 18.
End Times
In the near future it is rebuilt End Times Babylon which is the real Atlantis. Zacharia 5:11 says that Babylon will be rebuilt. In Revelation 17 & 18 we read about the rise and downfall of Atlantis/Babylon. In Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon is called the golden cup of wine that will make the whole world drunk. In Revelation 17:1-5 we read that Babylon rules over all the seas and oceans. In a Biblical sense, Babylon is not only situated in the dessert but, connected via the Euphrates in the middle of the ocean. The secret of Babylon in Revelation 17:5 is that the city sits in the middle of the sea. The palace of King Atlas was the same palace of Saddam Hussein on a hill in Babylon. In the near future, there will be the palace of the antichrist. In Isaiah 14:12 we read about the downfall of the antichrist, aka king Atlas.
In Critias 114-115 we read about elephants on Atlantis. This is a reference to the ivory trade in Revelation 18:12. The tradders were called “Harokel” which was degenerated to Heracles of Hercules. The year of the elephant was also the birthyear of the prophet Muhammed. There is an islamic element in the word “Atlantislam”. Allah could be the southern dimension of Tzaphon: the Sphinx. The tempel of Poseidon is the only object of the Atlantis story that will be placed in End Times Jerusalem. The antichrist will take his seat in this temple. But his reign will be in Babylon. The End Times will probably begin in 2030, 2000 years after the resurrection.
Scientists will never understand what Atlantis is if they do not understand what the Biblical name Tzaphon means. Baal Tzafon was the Sphinx in Exodus 14:1-2. In Psalm 48:2 Tzaphon was translated with north. In Syria is a mountain that was named Mount Tzaphon: Jebel Aqra. Tzaphon is also “midnight”, the Armageddon, the “Doomsday Clock”. Atlantis was the western dimension of Tzaphon, which was the horizon. The southern dimension was the Sphinx in Cairo. Both the northern and eastern dimensions of Tzaphon are Babylon. The armies of Assyria and Babylon invaded Jerusalem from the north (Ezekiel 26:7).
Mirroring principle
Scientists will also never understand what Atlantis is if they do not understand the “mirroring principle” behind the mystery. Atlantis existed not in a remote past but in the End Times. It existed not in the west but on the Euphrates. In Revelation 17 & 18 we read that Atlantis is Babylon. The mirroring principle of Atlantis is visible in the twin kings, the Pillars of Hercules and the reflecting orichalcum. I refer to the book The Cydonia Codex: Reflections from Mars by G.J. Haas & W.R. Saunders, (2005) for more information about this mirroring principle that we find also in Maya and Aztec art.
The Bible is Anti-Religious: all religion originated in Babylon. In fact: religion is gnosticism and neglects the Biblical principle of the aions. The Bible counts five different aionian times while religion and also the Atlantis story teach us about an uninterrupted time continuum. For that reason, Atlantis could simply not have existed 9000 years before Plato. Adam was not born yet. But also in the first and second aions there were no islands (Genesis 1:10). Atlantis is a gnostic epic, like the Book of Henoch, Mormon and the Qu’ran. They all preach an afterlife instead of resurrection. The eons are in all religions and also in the Atlantis story confused with eternity.
Mythical underworld
Atlantis has also to do with the mythical underworld. This underworld is a mix of a gnostic sheol and the Biblical Tartarus. In 2 Peter 2:4 we read about the fallen angels that are kept in the Tartarus. In Revelation 9 we read also about this Tartarus. The Biblical sheol is the realm of the dead. Dead people know nothing: Ecclesiastes 9:5. The mythical sheol is presented to us as the afterlife. But the individuals in this mythical sheol are no humans but Titans, who are in fact fallen angels. The Bible rejects afterlife and teaches the ressurrection from the dead. The obscure entities in the Tartarus are similar to Poseidon and Buraq, who was Muhammed’s horse on which he made a Night Voyage (Sura 17:1). The word Sura like the name Arthur may have originated from Assur, which is Assyria. Plato’s Cave was a mix of a gnostic sheol and the Biblical Tartarus. The Bible uses only figurative speech of life, cities and even a land in the sheol (Job 10:21; 24:12; 38:17; Isaiah 14:9-19; 38:10; 38:17; Eccl. 51:9; Matthew 16:8.) The sea is also a symbol of the Sheol (Jonah 2:3). While the Tartarus is a prison deep under out feet where the fallen angels are imprisoned. The Tartarus is the same sea as the Tehom in Genesis 1:2 and the abyss in Genesis 7:11 & 8:2. Such an underworldly ocean with creepy entities in it, could easily be the depth dimension of Atlantis/Tzaphon. This Tartaros was also Plato’s Cave in Republic VII.514-520.
Other Babylons
The city of Henoch before the Flood was a prelude for End Times Babylon. Immediately after the Flood we find Nimrod building his first version of Babylon on the Euphrates. The second time we meet with Babylon is in the book of Daniel. This is the Nebuchanedzar era. Finally Babylon will be conquered by a Persian guy, named Cyrus the Great. He was already prophesied in Isaiah 44:28. Then in Zacharia 5:11 we read about the rebuilding of Babylon in the End Times. The last time when we meet with the name Babylon is when the apostle Peter wrote his letter from Babylon (1 Peter 5:13). In Revelation 17 & 18 we read about End Times Babylon. Atlantis, Troy, Asgard, Avalon, Metropolis, Gotham City and the Garden of the Hesperides were to my opinion all reflections of End Times Babylon.
The apostle Paul
Paul met with the deities in the Atlantis story when he was in Athens and preached on the so called “Mars Hill” about the resurrected Christ (Acts 17). This Mars Hill or Areopagus was the court of Athena. In Acts 17, Paul was in the epicenter of the Atlantis story. In Acts 17:28 Paul was citing the poet Aratus who wrote on his turn an edition of Homer’s Odyssey. Paul should have known Homer and the Troy epoque. (There is also a Mars Hill in the Cydonia region on Mars, recognized as the so called Face on Mars). In Acts 28:11 he sailed on a ship named Dioscures to Rome. These Dioscures were Castor & Pollux, who were the equivalents of the Pillars of Hercules. While Rome was the European version of Babylon.
Other mysteries
Tarshish (Ezekiel 38:13) is England (not Spain). Tarshish was already know in the time of King Salomon (Psalm 48:7; 72:10, 1 Kings 10:22; 22:48, Song of Salomo 5:14, 1 Chronicles 1:7, 2 Chronicles 9:21; 20:37). This proves that the Strait of Gibraltar was NOT blocked by the mud of Atlantis, as Plato stated (Timaeus 25). Ophir (1 Kings 9:28) is Opis/Ctesiphon on the Tigris. Sheba is Beersheba in Israel (Genesis 26:33). Parvaim is not a city but a red gold color of the menorah, similar to orichalcum. Finally: will the End Times begin in 2030, two thousand years after the ressurrection?
Overview of Al-Hillah/Babylon/Atlantis
– Fotoznieba. (2014, 17 juni). Iraq – Babylon eagle eye [Youtube]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=IfLNqBi6P1Mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfLNqBi6P1M
update, 30 september 2020
A Dualistic Atlantis as a theological rather than an archeological principle
Nebuchanedzar’s dream (Daniel 2:40) & Daniel’s dream (Daniel 7:23) versus Plato’s Atlantis vision
Had the mysterious and evil “sphinx-like” python spirit in Acts 16:16 fooled us all including Plato by mirroring Endtimes Jerusalem and Babylon into an Island Atlantis that had existed in a remote past on the location of the Greek underworld in the far west? The answer is most likely, “yes”. Is Plato’s Atlantis really about a sunken Island or is there a theological rather than an archeological message in the story?
Does the Bible really keep silent on Atlantis and Troy? Or did we read the Bible in the wrong way? Why should Atlantis be a theological rather than an archeological story? The answer is that the main gods in Plato’s Atlantis story were very well known in the Bible. Athena was the Canaanite goddess Astarte (1 Kings 11:5), Poseidon was Dagon in Judges 16, aka Ansjaar in Sura 9:117, while Heracles was the god Melqart of Tyrus. It was Alexander the Great who destroyed Tyrus in an Atlantis way (Ezekiel 26-28). He was predicted in Daniel 8:21. Zeus was Baal Tsaphon – the Lord of the North aka the sphinx – in Exodus 14:1-2. Babylon is a desert city but connected through the Euphrates to the Persian Gulf, she sits in the middle of all the world seas, as we read in Revelation 17:1-5.
If the city of Enoch in Genesis 4 was the first blueprint for Atlantis, then where and how will the Atlantis model end? Was Atlantis “mirrored”? And what was the Atlantis underworld? How does the mighty earthquake in Revelation 16:18 correspond with the earthquake in Critias 108? How did Atlantis move between sunrise and sunset? And what does “Tzaphon” “north” or “midnight have to do with Atlantis, Cairo, Jerusalem or Babylon? What are the mysterious aionian times in the Bible? It sounds very much as if Plato’s Atlantis was simply the very evil “halloween” fourth empire in Daniel 2:40 & 7:23. Plato had somehow mirrored this evil empire in time and space.
Is this Atlantis?
The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. – Daniel 7:23
Dualism & Polarisation
Atlantis has nothing to do with ruins on the sea bottom but everything with the polarisation in the West and especially America, the continent that was mentioned in Timaios 25. De dualistic principle of the twin pillars of Hercules and the five twin kings echo this polarisation.
Other researchers were just searching for an island Atlantis while I search in my book for a “dualistic” Atlantis that was innerly dividid. As satan’s empire is innerly divided (Matthew 12:26). Did Matthew 24:15 tell us about Atlantis’ birth while Revelation 18:2 reveals us the downfall of Babylon/Atlantis?
A final Middle East or Greek world empire will rise
The Bible teaches us that a new Alexander will come. Not China, Russia, India or USA will be the Fourth Reich but Greece and the Middle East. The leopardess in Revelation 13:2 is the same as the leopardess in Daniel 7:6. This leopardess is Greece. No matter how disabled Greece looks like in 2020, the Bible teaches us that God will do a miracle to Greece. The End Time would most likely begin around 2030, two thousand years after the resurrection. This means that the final Greek empire will rise before 2030. A new Alexander will stand up and conquer the Middle East. He will settle his headquarters in rebuilt Babylon. Is this not a mirrored image of the war between Athens and Atlantis? Only time and place differ. Generations looked for Atlantis and Troy. The Bible reveals the real identity of Atlantis. Atlantis seems to have less to do with a bunch of rocks on the sea bottom but instead of that it has everything to do with the end of world capitalism. Capitalism is in fact religious Mammonism and an immediate rival of Paulinian Christianity. The throne of capitalism will be rebuilt Babylon on the River Euphrates (Zacharia 5:11). And who was Socrates really, who is Allah and what is Atlantislam? I wrote my 588 pages book on Atlantis in Dutch language, isbn 978 9090 324 074.
© Leon Elshout, Pesach 2018, new online edition 23 january 2019
Appendix/ Table |
Atlantis 9000 years before Plato |
Athens, 8000 or 9000 year before Plato |
(© Table: Leon Elshout, may 2018) |
Source, Benjamin Jowett (Vol. III, Third edition 1892) translation of Plato’s Dialogues, Timaeus & Critias. (Plato’s Cave: Republic VII.514-520) |
Critias 108 |
9000 years before Plato: Atlantis made war against Europe and Athens (See also Timaeus 25). Atlantis sunk into the ocean due to an earthquake (See Revelation 16:18). Atlantis was bigger than Lybia and Turkey together. Mud of Atlantis blocked the Strait of Gibraltar. |
Goddess Mnemosyne |
Critias 109 |
The land was divided among the gods. Hephaistos and Athena (Neith) were introduced in the story of Athens. Hephaistos and Athena were brother and sister. (Actually they were Baal Tzaphon and Astarte). There was love of art and philosophy. Civilizations came and went. The odd part of the population lived in the mountains and survived all catastrophes. The clever part was everytime destroyed by global catastrophes. |
Critias 111 |
Athene was self sufficient. Timber and food in abundance, also enough food for the animals. Rainwater was collected in water reservoirs. |
Critias 112 |
Rain, earthquakes and three floods before Deucalion’s Flood. Fountains under the Akropolis. (The three floods are described in the #344 Leiden Papyrus and may belong to the Exodus history). |
Critias 113 |
Solon had translated the Atlantis story. The origin of the Atlantis story was Egypt. (Had the Egyptians gotten he story from the Edomites?). The gods had divided the earth. Poseidon received Atlantis. Central hill on Atlantis with Evenor and Leukippe. Their daughter was Cleito. (They were non-humans). There were cyclopic canals with balustrades around the capital. Two water sources under Atlantis with cold and warm water (compare with Ezekiel 47:1-12). Atlantis had in this stage no ships and was inaccessible for foreigners. Atlantis had everything in abundance and was self-sufficient. |
Critias 113-114 |
Poseidon begot five twin sons with Cleito. All of them became kings. |
Critias 114 |
Poseidon and Kleito’s oldest son: King Atlas. He received the biggest part of Atlantis. His twin brother Eumelos (Gadeiros) received the furthest part facing Gades, near Gibraltar. There were forests on Atlantis and everyting was in abundance. Self-sufficient. There was enough timber for carpenter jobs. There was orichalcum from mining. And there was a king named Mnesus. |
Critias 114-115 |
Elephants. |
Critias 115 |
Ship yards, harbours, docks, temples, palaces, round canals, big ships, marshes, many animals. |
Critias 116 |
Citadel covered with orichalcum. Statue of Poseidon with six winged “Pegasus like” horses in front of it. Gold, silver, orichalcum, Ivory in Poseidon’s temple. Pillars with orichalcum. An altar in the temple. Golden statue in the temple, cyclopic walls, ivory roof in the inetrior of the temple. |
Critias 117 |
Water sources under the palace and temple, cold and warm water (compare with Ezekiel 47:1-12; Genesis 2:10-14). Entire island was a horse race course. Temples for other deities. Sacred forest of Poseidon. Ship yards, cargo ships, merchants = harokel = heracles. |
Critias 118 |
Timber in abundance. |
Critias 119 |
Ten thousands of chariots, horses and riders. Population in the mountains and capital was countless. There were bulls. Ten kings and 1200 ships. Warzone in the capital. Columns with orichalcum. Bulls were offered. (Bulls = Baal sacrifice). |
Timaeus 21 |
Athena was Neith in Egypt. The city of Sais in Egypt was visited by Solon. Sais was in the Nile Delta (Reference to Exodus?) |
Timaeus 21-22 |
Solon got the traditions of the history of Athens from the priests of Sais. Sais was located in the Nile Delta. |
Timaeus 22 |
Phoroneus was the first human. Deucalion and Purrha survived the Flood. Mankind had survived many global catstrophes of water and fire. (Actually, Phoroneus, Deucalion and Pyrrha were non humans. They were titans, aka the fallen angels in Genesis 6). |
Timaeus 23 |
More than one flood. Before the Great Flood, Athens was in war. Athena founded Athens 8000 or 9000 years before Plato. Odd people survived every catastrophe. |
Timaeus 24 |
Atlantis made war against Europe, Athens and Asia. The army came from beyond the Pillars of Hercules. So the Strait of Gibraltar was navigable (also see Critias 108). |
Shepherds and hunters in Athens. (compare with Nimrod and Ezau). Many laws in every domain in Athens. Army of Atlantis invaded Europe and Asia. This army came from an island that was situated in front of the Pillars of Hercules. |
Timaeus 24-25 |
Atlantis was bigger than Libia and Turkey together. |
Timaeus 25 |
Atlantis was a transit port to America. The land on the other side of the great ocean was a continent (America). Atlantis had subjected parts of Europe, Lybia and Egypt. Atlantis subjected Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (But what exactly was Tyrrhenia?). Earthquakes and floods. Atlantis was gulped down in the sea. The mud of Atlantis blocked the Strait of Gibraltar. |
Athens won the war against Atlantis. The people from Atlantis became slaves. |
Atlantis existed 9000 years before Plato. But exactly when? The Biblical chronology is much more exactly. The Exodus form Babylon took place exactly to the day thousand years after the Exodus from Egypt. |