219. Atlantis as the City of David Almelo, 31 october 2023
Plato’s mysterious island of Atlantis captured the imagination of generations. Curiously, despite Plato’s clear description of the location of Atlantis and intensive searches, nothing meaningful has been found to date. Atlantis as archeology seems to fit into the valued wading pool theory. But what if Atlantis is completely different than most people think? What if Atlantis included a complex dualistic theological model in which both time and location were mirrored the wrong way? When you look in the mirror, your right ear is on the left and your left ear is on the right. Is there an invisible secret mirror hidden in the Atlantis story that kept misleading us? Why does the Temple Mount in Jerusalem look so much like the central hill on Atlantis in Kritias 113? And why does the Son of the Dawn alias the antichrist in Isaiah 14:12 look so much like King Atlas of Atlantis? And what about the predictions in Revelation 17 and 18 regarding End-Time Babylon? It appears that Atlantis is part of a larger model that extends from sunrise to sunset and is also dualistic.
All questions: What are the mysterious eonian times in the Bible that other researchers have overlooked? What did Plato’s idol Academos have to do with the Atlantis story? And who was the idol Aktab? What does Atlantis have to do with the upcoming terrifying Fourth Reich in Daniel 2 and 7? Where was the real Temple Mount in Jerusalem? What does Atlantis have to do with the City of David? What were in the Bible, Tarshish, Ophir, Sheba and Deedan? A few shots across the bow: if the real route of the Exodus was via the Nile Delta instead of the Gulf of Aqaba, what role does the Sphinx play in the Atlantis story? If Tarshish is Britain in Ezekiel 38:13, then the Strait of Gibraltar was indeed navigable when Jonah wanted to flee to Tarshish. While Plato suggested that this Strait was blocked by the mud of a sunken Atlantis. So should we really look for Atlantis off the coast of Spain?
Leon Elshout (Almelo, 1964) conducted systematic Bible research into Plato’s Atlantis mystery. He used the Concordant Bible Translation, www.scripture4all.org, in which our word eternal was rendered as eon, namely a long but clearly defined period. His conclusions regarding Atlantis are staggering.