Atlantis and Plato’s Cave
One day liberal theologians explained to me that Plato’s famous Cave was occupied with two pyromaniacs. There was an opening in the cave as there was an opening in Noah’s Ark. Beyond this opening the sun was shining. I can seea parallel with King Atlas of Atlantis who carried the sun on his shoulders. Thanks to a fire in the cave the pyromaniacs could see how all the movements of the outside world appeared as shadows on the wall. It was such a crazy explanation of a liberal professor who had attended the University of Utrecht who said that everything in the Bible was controversially. I said that Jesus had died for our sins. She – the feminist professor – said that this idea was very controversially. When I said that the antichrist would come and the snatching away would happen she gave the same answers: it was all controversially.
Why shouldn’t we simply accept the simple idea that Plato’s cave represented the Greek Underworld which was to my opinion the same location as the Tartaros in Revelation 9. The world outside the opening in the cave was simply our earthly world. The Greek underworld was presented as a living underworld where life went on. Odysseus who was the predecessor of King Atlas went to this underworld to consult the diceased prophet Teiresias, a name that resonated with Tarsus. There in the underworld he met also with his mother Antikleia who said that the soul continues after death as a dream (Odyssee 11.213; see also Psalm 90:5). In the Bible we read about a figurative underworld in the Books of Ezekiel 32:24; 31:16 & Isaiah 14:9-19; 44:23. The myth had created a literal underworld of it. Antikleia was like Circe and Helen of Troy simply another mask of Athena in the Atlantis story. She was Astarte, the goddess of the Sidonians (1 Kings 11:5).
The Homeric underworld with Antikleia and Odysseus graduated with Plato into a physical island Atlantis. I am not sure why Plato mentioned both the famous Cave as a symbol of the underworld and the physical island Atlantis that was located on the same western horizon. Something does not fit here. In Sura 53:7 we read about this horizon and in the Egyptian Book of the Death we read that Osiris was the leader of this Western Underworld. Plato’s Cave was a new version of it. But could he even transform his own cave into an island Atlantis?
At this moment I have no clue about it. If Atlantis was only the western dimension of a bigger tsafon model that existed of the sphinx in the south and Babylon in the east and north, then we have all the four dimensions of tsaphon that means actually “north”. Maybe Plato tried also to add a depth dimension to it, by pointing to the Tartaros as an underworld dimension of Atlantis after it had sunken into the sea. In Genesis 7:11 & 8:2 we read about the watery abyss. I am not sure if this location is the same spot as the Tartaros in Revelation 9. But such an abyss that seemed to a vast water mass be under the oceans we can easily recognize an Atlantis underworld with creepy beings. In 2 Peter 2:4 we read that Jesus, after his ressurrection had descended into Plato’s cave to tell these creatures that He had risen from the death. Thematically He had visited here to Plato’s sunken Atlantis to let the five twin kings know that they had sunken to the bottom while He had risen from the death.