Another shitty Atlantis documentary. Key actors are: Richard Freund, Claudia Preis, Anna Machin, Sam Willis, Claudio Lozano.
They use expensive equipment to search for something that is not there, in Doñana Nacional Park. While I discovered Atlantis in the Bible. All actors are professors and doctors. No one asked me., All of them were looking for a litteral island whether it was Santorini or an island in Doñana Nacional Park. No one had asked if Atlantis was really a physical island. No one of these doctors knew what the aionian times are.
Doctor Claudio Lozano spoke about an earthquake thousands years agon of the coast of Gibraltar. Bu these academics have no clue about what earthquake Plato spoke about. This was a huge one, Revelation 16:18; Haggai 2:6, 7.
The Dolmen de Soto are said to be 5000 years old. Had these academic researchers ever heard of the aionian times? No. What do these Dolmens have to do with Atlantis anyway? The documentary mentioned also an expedition to Tibet. What as Tibet to do with Atlantis? Nothing, to my opinion.
Please let’s stop talking about Malta or Santorini. Are both islands bigger than Asia and Libya? No, of course not.–die-suche-nach-atlantis-100.html
I am the one who discovered Atlantis. But ZDF, National Geographic or Discovery do not interview me because I am not a doctor.