“Was Endtimes Babylon – Revelation 17-18 – mirrored into Atlantis?”
If you ask anyone who he sees in the mirror, they will answer you without hesitation – themselves. There are things that are simply unacceptable to think about. Let’s test how true this belief of most adults is.
Let’s get a closer look at our reflection. When we meet someone, we first ask for their name. It is easy to check that a person whom we involuntarily identify with ourselves has someone else.
You can open any book in front of the mirror and make sure that the book is kind of the same, but its essence is different and the book becomes unreadable. In the same way, the reflection changes the essence of our true image.
The right always sees the left with a different name in the mirror.
At the same time, the heart at the reflection is in the chest not where it is located, but on the right.
Like two drops of water, an image similar to us is designed completely differently. And there’s no surprise about this.
Mirror symmetrical figures are known to be antipods. This is why they are so deceptively similar at first glance. For example, our hands are so similar – right and left, but you can’t put a glove on one hand on the other, because antipods are not compatible.
In fact, such a person, very similar to us, but with a heart on the right, another name and abnormal position of organs, is not in reality.
We are perfectly aware of these differences and understand the difference between the truth and a deceptively similar lie.
But we should look in the eyes of our reflection and we instantly forget all the facts and evidence reminding us that the image in the mirror is an illusion that does not exist in reality, and while we look into his eyes we are sure – it is me.
Interestingly, the ability to think logically and critically evaluate false likeness immediately return, it is worth us to look away from his gaze.
The loss of real appreciation of what we see in the mirror of the image and the undivided belief in it as our own, indicates an unnatural state. This condition is called hypnosis, and although its mechanisms have not been fully studied by modern medicine, it is well applied in practice.
“The Great Hypnotist Mirror” – so is the name of the article by the famous professor of psychologist L. P. Grimak, published in 1998. , in which more details the consequences of this exposure.
It is natural that by believing a look deceptively similar to the truth, but inverted in the essence of the image, we try to change ourselves so that we like “ourselves”. It seems that there are the reasons for risky health and the wallet of fashionistas of plastic surgeries. Forgetting what is the difference between a person’s image and its complete opposite, modern narcissists, repeating the mistake of a gullible hero, try in vain to please the flawless reflection. And the fact that no one even allows the thought of the cunningness of the truth turned inside out indicates the mastery of a virtual hypnotist.
Through faith, we give our will to the one we trust, but if this trust of ours has been achieved by manipulation over our consciousness, it is worth doubting the friendliness of such a manipulator.
It seems that since the misconception that what we see in the mirror of ourselves has been confirmed, “… the whole world has become a theater and the people in it are actors.
As far as religion is concerned, it is interesting to recall that mirrors, very common and revered among the Gentiles (then bronze ones), disappeared from the lives of people with Christianity for many centuries. They simply did not keep them at home, considering them to be a magical and heartbreaking object. You hardly see mirrors in church today. And it’s not just a pious tradition.
For example, the resolution of the Great Moscow Cathedral 1666 “The mirror in the church and the holy altar should not be seen as a priest, deacon and other church members.
And a mirror as a priest and a monk below in Kelia should have, kolmi pache in the church. ”
Mirrors were banned for both the Orthodox and the righteous, and it may seem strange and illogical to us such an attitude to an ordinary mirror. If a man is created in the image and likeness of God, then can it be a sin to see that image?
Perhaps our forefathers with their hearts felt a cunningness similar to the truth of a lie, and understanding who we really see in the mirror, tried to protect people from heartfelt temptation. Interestingly, the word Satan translates as an opponent, the opposite.
“A lie is by nature opposite to truth. Truth comes from God, lies are the spawn of the devil.” (Foundations of Christian Orthodox Faith).
Today we are using a completely harmless word “reflection” to name our inverted image. And modern society requires us to believe in this deceptive illusion thoughtlessly accepted by the majority as truth. It is hard for us to believe that once an ordinary mirror could become a reason to be accused of witchcraft.
But everything changes in this world, and sometimes not for the better.
The first before the brilliant charm, very similar to the truth, fell Europe. Around the 15th century, mass production of Venetian mirrors began. Common sense, will and logic, were powerless in front of the authoritarian gaze of a perverted entity, deceptively resembling a man. Enchanted by this deceptive resemblance, forgetting what is the difference between right and left, people began to spontaneously change themselves in a way that the view accepted as truth of a lie dictated to them. The mirror entered the homes and homes of Christians, winning their trust and position.
Peter 1, breaking through the window into Europe, by force implemented its new morals, tastes and concepts of beauty, based on the newly returned ancient delusion, confusing the image of a man with its complete opposite.
In the year 1700 the first mirror factory was built in Moscow. And a magic object, considered by Christians to be heartfelt and sinful, the pro-Western reformer began to implement into their lives, declaring as a blackmail the unwillingness of believers in God to communicate with a wickedly truth-like way.
Together with the appearance of mirrors, a changeable fashion appeared, which began to suppress the unchanging national costume. Previous views on beauty began to be transformed by a new self-awareness, which formed the look of the person reflected in the mirror. It was a revolution that you can call a cultural one only by adding the prefix “anti” to it. Resistance to previously unseen fashion was so great that the reformer had to tax those who did not want to part with the beard of Christians. The culture and worldview alien to the Orthodox spirit returned together with the rehabilitation of the magical attribute of the pagans.
In the end, a lovely lie won, and the mirror entered the homes and lives of people, and communication with its reflection ceased to be considered a sin.
The harmful consequences of identifying oneself with one’s antipod were mentioned even in the pre-Christian era. The legend of Narcissus that has reached us reminds us where the unreasonable trust of a seductive, but false image ends.
Some wise man noticed that the biggest enemy will always hide himself where we least look for him. And much of what we know from the history of the mirror says that most likely we hurried to choose a friend, teacher and mentor who looks like us, exactly the opposite.
And you can hardly blame the mirror for this mistake. This is a common object, just as useful as a knife, for example. Rear view mirror in a car, the use of mirrors in equipment, serves the benefit of man.
Reflection in water is as natural as everything in the nature of our world. But when approaching the mirror, it’s better to remember that we don’t see ourselves in it. Just like we remember that the knife can only be taken by the handle. And of course, the knife will not be blamed if a fool grabs it by the blade.
Of course, it is unpleasant to realize that our modern culture and self-awareness are largely built on a false foundation and faith, which is based on involuntary delusion.
But there is also good news for those who want to see not their reflection, but their real image as it is, as others see it. This is pretty easy to do. You can easily turn a lie into the truth by reflecting our reflection again.
It is enough to place two mirrors side by side, positioning them at a right angle, like an opened book. Your name, which was distorted by a reflection, turning it into a meaningless set of letters, is easily readable in the middle of this mirror, confirming that you can now see yourself, your true, non-twisted image. Your right hand in it remains right and your heart is located where you have it. A true image will help you stay at peace with yourself and live simply and unhypocritically.
If at first there is some discomfort when using this mirror, it will pass quickly, it is just a matter of habit. After all, you’ve always seen your reflection, never seeing yourself.
In a world where we are often tried to make someone else and even a false mirror deceives us, the comfort for the soul will be to look into the eyes of the truth that you can believe as yourself.
Giorgi Dell · 15 March 2022 at 06:42,
Игорь Юрьевич Дмитренко. Группа « правдивое зеркало