(49) Is Atlantis a theological or an archeological issue?
Leon elshout, 19 march 2019, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com
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Plato’s Atlantis
According to Plato, the mysterious island of Atlantis was located off the coast of Gibraltar (Timaeus 25, Critias 108). Many attempts were made to find Atlantis but with no results. We did find some ruins or even a pyramid (Matos, 2013) on the sea bottom near the Azores. This pyramid seems to be quite intact as “The pyramid is perfectly shaped and apparently oriented by the cardinal points,” (Silva in Matos, 2013). Off the coast of the Bahama’s underwater ruins were discovered. These too look pretty much intact. Which means that they did not sunk into the ocean due to an earthquake. Otherwise all these anomalies would have been destroyed. Their origin is Post-Flood since the apostle Peter told us that the world before the Flood had vanished completely (2 Peter 3:6). What these anomalies on the sea bottom teach us is that at some point after the Flood the sea level was lower. They were built on the land. For some climatological reason the sea level rose and brought the anomalies under water. Since then they were covered by the sea. And some pyramid and some ruins on the sea bottom still do not make an island Atlantis. At best they are Atlantis “Look-Alikes”, breathing the the “Poseidon-Dagon-Baal-Tzafon” athmosphere.
The Egyptians considered their God Osiris as being the god of the underworld. This underworld was located in the west on the horizon (Geru, 2003, spreuken 18, 117, 127 en 137a). In Sura 53:7 we read again about this horizon. Aha, was Atlantis not a physical island but simply a representation of some underworld? The question is “which” underworld? I believe that the Atlantis story presents us a mix of the Biblical Tartaros (Revelation 9) and an afterlife. This is a composition of the lie that was introduced by the serpent in Eden in Genesis 3: “You shall not die”. The Bible does not teach an afterlife other than figurative speech, for example in Ezekiel 26:0; 31:14, 16, 18; 32:18, 24; Isaiah 14:9; 44:23; Psalm 63:9; 139:8. The dead know nothing, says Ecclasiastes 9:5. The Bible teaches a physical resurrection from the death instead of an afterlife. Researchers who were looking for a physical island Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean simply missed the mark. They would never find Atlantis.
What about a theological view on Atlantis? The main Gods of Atlantis were very well known in the Bible. Poseidon was the Philistine (Crete) deity Dagon in Judges 16:23 as he was very likely also Anshar in Sura 9:117. Athena was the Goddess of Sidon in Lebanon (1 Kings 11:5). Heracles was the God Melqart of Tyrus. It was the downfall of Tyrus as foretold in Ezekiel 26-28 that sounded so much like the downfall of Atlantis. It was Alexander the Great who destroyed Tyrus. He was foretold in Daniel 8:21. It was no one else than Jesus who visited Tyrus (Mark 7:24). Tyrus and Babylon were twin cities regarding their reputations for corruption. In Revelation 18 we read about the downfall of Endtimes Babylon. In Revelation 17:1-5 we read that the desert city Babylon sits connected through the river Euphrates in the middle of the sea. This images fits in the description of the downfall of Atlantis. The huge earthquake in Revelation 16:18 resonates with the earthquake that destroyed Atlantis (Critias 108). It sounds as if things were “mirrored”. As if Atlantis did not exist in a remote past but in the Endtimes and not in the West but in the east as seen from Jerusalem.
Python spirit
Could it be that the python spirit in Acts 16:16 had fooled us all including Plato to make us believe that Atlantis existed in the wrong direction? The answer is most likely, “yes”. This python spirit was the same as the Dagon spirit and the serpent in Genesis 3. The Hebrew word for serpent is “nachash” meaning “shining. But in Chaldee (Babylonian) it meant “copper” (Bullinger, z.j., appendix 19). With copper we are close to the mysterious aurichalcum that covered the Temple of Poseidon on Atlantis (Critias 116, 119). The word Chalkolibano is used in Revelation 1:15 and 2:18, referring to the white bronze feet of Jesus (Scripture4all.org). Again we deal with the Endtimes.
Plato’s story was probably only one part of a bigger scheme. The western dimension of the Atlantis underworld was the sunset dimension of what theology calls “tsafon”. With this thrilling word tsaphon we will open in one step many doors. In Exodus 14:1-2, Baal Tsaphon was used for the Sphinx, while Migdol was used for the Great Pyramid (Matheny, 2011, p. 138). On the forehead of the sphinx a cobra snake was carved (Geru, 2003, verb 34; Matheny, 2011, p. 142). With a cobra we are close to the python in Acts 16:16. My suggestion is that Cairo as representing “noon” between sunrise and sunset, was the southern dimension of Tsaphon. Remember Exodus 14 & 15 when pharao disappeared with his army in an Atlantis like manner into the waves. Psalm 18:7-15, Nahum 1:3-5 were all Atlantis moments and referred to Exodus 14:28. Then, Babylon was the sunrise and both eastern and northern dimension of tsaphon. The hostile armies of Assyria and Babylon invaded Jerusalem from the north. Babylon and Cairo are the physical dimensions of the Atlantis- Tsaphon system.
Sea or desert?
In Odyssey 12 the island of Aea was called the island of sunrise and sunset (Homeros, Butler, vert. 1900, Odyssee 12, first alinea). In Odyssey 9 we read about a Goat Island. This Goat Island resonates with the desert goats in Isaiah 31:12. With this new information we should find Atlantis in the desert. While Revelation 17:1-5 teaches us that Babylon sits connected through the river Euphrates in the midst of the world seas, it is the present city of Al-Hillah which is a desert city. In the Endtimes the city will be flooded by the waters of the Euphrates. Before the Flood the city of Enoch in Genesis 4 was the blueprint for Atlantis. If Atlantis is a model that snakes through the history, it will end on the banks of the Euphrates.
Three Floods in Critias 112
The confusion surrounding Atlantis had to do with the three Floods in Critias 112 that belong to the storyline of Athens. To my opinion they were related to the southern dimension of Tsaphon which is Cairo. In the so called Leiden Papyrus #344 these three floods were mentioned (Matheny, 2011, p. 167). It seems as if the Gizeh plateau was regularly flooded by the Nile. However these three floods seemd to have been some anomalous floods. Maybe they were caused by the seventh plague in Exodus which was hail. This plague should have also caused a lot of erosion to the sphinx. The infamous Dendera Light in the temple of Hathor in Dendera was to my opinion a hydraulic press.
The coming Greek empire
In Daniel 2:40-43 we read about a mixed Kingdom of the Endtimes. In Psalm 83 and Daniel 7:7-8 we read about the ten kings of this kingdom. This sounds as Atlantis. In Daniel 7:6 the fourth kingdom was presented as a leopardess. This leopardess was the Greek-Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great who destroyed Tyrus. In Revelation 13:2 we meet again with this leopardess. The empire of the Endtimes will be Greek again, no matter how Greece is sunken today to the bottom of the financial ocean. A new Greek Alexander will rise and he will make rebuilt Babylon his headquarters like the first Alexander did. This new Alexander is probably king Atlas of Atlantis. His downfall in Isaiah 14:12, sounds similar with the downfall of king Atlas. Greece making war with Babylon sounds as Greece making war with Atlantis. Only time and place were different as if things were mirrored. In Zacharia 5:11 we read about the future rebuilding of Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates. We have the technology to build cities very quickly. We can use inflatable buildings or a 3D printer to do the job. Endtimes Babylon could even be a kind of a festival city like Burning Man in the desert of Nevada. In Revelation 17-18 we read about the rise and downfall of Endtimes Babylon.
Another mystery. The Pillars of Hercules and the five twin Kings of Atlantis could refer to the dualistic dimension of Atlantis. We recognize this dualism in present day polarization in West-Europe and America. Did Atlantis exist of two parts and two rivalling cities instead of one central city? I believe “yes”. And the answer to this mystery can be found in Isaiah 26:1-5. The reader will have to read my book on Tsaphon “Midnight” Atlantis, to learn what Atlantis is really about. Researchers made two mistakes: they confused the mythical underworld with some physical island that had sunken into the sea. And they were looking for simply an island Atlantis instead of a dualistic Atlantis. Actually they should have searched for Atlantis in the desert.
Symbols and mirrors
Religion reproduces itself through symbols. I believe that Troy, the islands of Scheria, Ogygia and Goat Island in the Odyssey and Iliad, Asgard, the Garden of the Hesperides and Avalon were thematically the same island. They balanced between Endtimes Babylon and Jerusalem. Even Jerusalem was according to Psalm 2 surrounded by a metaphorical sea of the hostile nations. We should stop with analysing chronological orders. It is all about thematical issues. This is how the Jewish Tenach works. The Tenach was thematically composed while the Christian Bible was chronologically composed. Also the island of Crete with their Philistines who worshipped Dagon – Poseidon – was an anchor point in the ongoing Atlantis model that begun with the serpent in Genesis 3 and the city of Enoch in Genesis 4. After the Flood Atlantis evoluated in many new symbols. Cairo was an Atlantis anchor point since the Sphinx Baal Tzaphon was built there by the Israelite slaves. Gaza is an anchor point. The five cities of Gaza’s Pentapolis resembled the five twin kings of Atlantis.
The wealth and gold on Atlantis breathes a capitalist island (Critias 116). If Atlantis was indeed thematically connected with the downfall of Tyrus and Babylon, then we should change our focus. Atlantis had nothing to do with a bunch of rocks on the sea-bottom but everything with the end of world capitalism. Poseidon was no one else than Marduk of Babylon. This Marduk was mentioned in Jeremiah 50:2. The relation between Poseidon and King Atlas was a reproduction of Nebo and Bel in Isaiah 46:1. Nebuchanedzar of Babylon was named after Nebo.
Bullinger, E. W. (z.j.). Appendixes to The Companion Bible. Geraadpleegd van
Geru, M. A. (2003). het Egyptische dodenboek (5e ed.). Deventer, Nederland: Ankh-Hermes.
Matheny, G. M. (2011). Exodus, The Route, Sea Crossing, God’s Mountain. USA: Xulon.
Matos, C. (2013, 19 september). Terceira: Subaquatic pyramidal shaped structure found – Azores. In Portuguese American Journal. Geraadpleegd op 19 maart, 2017, van http://portuguese- american-journal.com/terceira-subaquatic-pyramidal-shaped-structure-found-azores/