The Mount Tzafon is presently the Mount Aqra in the north of Syria. In this area the Ugarith Baal and Anat Cycle was discovered. Baal and Anat were of course Poseidon and Athena. In the Myth, Dagon was supposed to be Baal’s father. But in fact they were all masks of each other. In this Ugarith Baal Cycle we read about the god Tzafon who is looking for a mountain to build his palace on it. So it becomes the Mount Tzafon as an imitation of the Mount Zion. In Psalm 48:2 both the Mount Zion and the north – translated with Tzafon are mentioned in the same verse. It should not surprise us that Paul’s ministry started here in Antioch – present day Antakya. The Mount Tzafon was a blueprint for the central hill on Atlantis (Critias 113) and for other magical hills and mountains as the Olympus, Meru, and Asgard.
Another meaning of Tzafon is a rabbinic explanation that connects the 25 hours of the clock to the south, north, east and western dimensions from Jerusalem. Babylon is both the northern and the eastern dimension of it. It is Sunrise in the morning. Noon is the sphinx in Egypt while Cairo was Fort Babylon. The evening is the horizon where the sun goes down. This is the location of Atlantis on the end of the rainbow. Nobody will ever find the end of the rainbow as nobody will ever find Atlantis. Only in the darkest 25th hour, Atlantis and EndTimes Babylon exist in their similar positions on the Euphrates. In Jeremia 51:25 Babylon was called a mountain as a blueprtint for the Mount Tzafon in Canaan.