Oliver Smith writes that Plato got his Atlantis inspiration from other sources such as Hellanicus of Lesbos. Oliver also mentions the war against Athens 9000 years earlier. But then Athens did not exist. Also, there was no King Atlas of Arcadia because Atlas was not human. In the Bible we do come across a king Og of Bashan who had at least a human ancestor, in addition to non-human DNA. The big problem with Oliver Smith’s writing is that he throws around names of people and places like it’s nothing. I mention Darda, Hellanicus, Dionysius and so on. Were they really human or were they also those half-mythical creatures? According to Oliver Smith, Plato’s Atlantis story was based on Arcadia where King Atlas reigned. So what about those other 9 kings of Atlantis? Plato clearly mentioned an island in the sea off the coast of Spain that was larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined. Arcadia did not meet this requirement. It is remarkable that the Peloponnese represents a hand with four or five fingers, depending on how you look. This resonates with the five cities of Gaza, a Philistine colony, and with the five twin kings of Atlantis. An empire larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined is described in Daniel 7:19 and 7:23 but has nothing to do with Arcadia. I can also prove that Plato was inspired by Herodotus to write his Atlantis story. He wrote of Sais, Tyre, and Babylon, but not of a contiguous empire larger than Libya and Asia Minor. There is only one option and that is that Plato’s idol Academos inspired Plato to write down the Atlantis story. In the Bible, he was the Python Ghost. – leon elshout.