Plato’s Academy was dedicated to the idol Akademos. Was this Akademos the same idol as the Python Spirit in Acts 16:16? This Python Ghost could see into the future or at least he had taken note of the prophecies of the prophet Ezekiel. Then we understand that the king of Tire corresponded with king Atlas of Atlantis in Ezekiel 28:8. The strait blocked by the mud of Atlantis (Critias 108) corresponded to the strait off the coast of Tire that was filled by Alexander’s army. Between the port city and the Rock City of Tire was a strait of a mile. Nebuchanedzar had already succeeded in crushing the port city. But no one had reached the Rock City yet. Alexander lived after Plato. So something or someone could see into the future and place events into the past. Who would this something or someone be? Other researchers overlooked the role of the idol Akademos in the Atlantis story.