(152) The real God of Atlantis: Apollo, not Poseidon
If the Python Spirit had occupied Plato’s mind in Acts 16:16, the Atlantis story would have arisen from an inversion of End-time Babylon. This ghost of the diabolos messed up everything. The End Times was transformed into a gray past and the North of Jerusalem became the west coast of Gibraltar. What was actually a Jewish prediction was now declared Greek. The Python itself disguised itself as a cobra on the forehead of the Sphinx which was the southern dimension of the Tsafon-Atlantis model. The sphinx was Baal Tsaphon in Exodus 14: 2. In Greece he was Zeus, but certainly also Apollo. The Python Spirit was dedicated to Apollo. Although Plato added Atlantis under Poseidon because the island was in the sea – read: the Greek underworld – the Python Spirit was a hint to the real sender. He was Apollo, the idol of the Wives. Poseidon aka Dagon may have been a diversion to keep the real idol out of sight.
Finally, if Nasa’s Apollo mission to the moon depicted the howling of a werewolf, do we see a type of the resurrection of Lazarus in the outward and return flight? It’s just a thought.