Recently an unknown guy named Haim Eshed shook the world presses with his remarks about aliens and Americans working together in an underground base on Mars. Haim Eshed was an ex director of Israel’s space program so he is not the first guy we should expect to reveal these things. He said that Donald Trump was on the fringe of a revelation about this. But somehow the aliens had stopped him to reveal this information.Humankind was not erady for this information they claimed. How did the Gray Aliens let this know to Donald? By sending him a postcard from Mars?
This website promotes the truth that aliens are demonic entities. They are our enemies but present themselves to us as our watchers and helpers. It is not Humankind that is not ready for disclosure but they, the aliens are not ready for it. They wait for the coming Armageddon. Personally I do not believe that the Americans and aliens work together on Mars. The Gray Aliens do not need our assistence. They can simply do what they want. >>>>